Przeczytaj informacje o Jamiem Bellu, a następnie znajź w tekście pięć błędów i popraw je.
born: 1986, Billingham (England)
first danccing class: 1992 (age 6)
made film Billy Eliot : 2000 (age 14)
won a 'British Oscar' (a Bafta) : 2001 (age 15)
left school, moved to London : 2002 (age 16)
played part of Jimmy in Peter Jackon's film King Kong : 2005 (age 19)
Jamie Bell was born in 1988 in a English town called Billingham. He took his first dancing class when he was seven. When he was fourteen, he made the film Billy Eliot, and i 2001 he won an Oscar. Then, in 2002, Jamie felt school and moved to the USA. When he was nineteen he played the part of King Kong in Peter Jackon's film. Zadanie:
1. He wasn't born in 1988. He was born in 1986.
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Jamie Bell was born in 1988 in a English town called Billingham. He took his first dancing class when he was seven. When he was fourteen, he made the film Billy Eliot, and i 2001 he won an Oscar. Then, in 2002, Jamie felt school and moved to the USA. When he was nineteen he played the part of King Kong in Peter Jackon's film. Zadanie:
1. He wasn't born in 1988. He was born in 1986.
2. He didn't take his first dancing class when he was seven. He was six.
3. In 2001 he didn't win an Oscar. He won a Bafta.
4.Jamie didn't move to the Usa. He moved to London.
5. He didn't play the part of King Kong. He played a part of Jimmy.