Przeczytałeś/Przeczytałaś w magazynie anglojęzycznym artykuł,ktorego autor oskarża młodych o brak szacunku dpa starszych osob.Podziel sie swoimi przemysleniami na blogu. *streść opinie autora artykułu *przedstaw własną opinię *wyjasnij,do jakiego artykułu się odnosisz *podaj przykłady,ktory zilustruje Twoje poglądy
Hi, everybody. I have read an article recently and I would like to discuss it and express my opinion. The article was published in "The Times" at it was titled "Young against old". The author claims that young people don't respect elderly people nowadays. He/she states that times are changing for worse, Teenagers need discipline and parents should take care of their manners. It is believed that young people are selfish and stubborn. I cannot agree with this opinion. That's the fact that some of them behave in such a way but we should notice that elderly people often deserve it being crusty and quarrelsome. What is more, there are still people who help others. I was a witness of many situations when students gave up place to elderly in a bus or when they helped with shopping or just talk to them so that they won't feel lonely.