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Prosze o pomoc !!! Bardzo :)
Hi Susie! I'm sorry that I didnt write for so long. I want to tell you about my school. I like my school because I feel there safe and happy. I remember a lot of funny stories. For example in one time I slipped on a banana peel. My friends laughed a lot in this situation. But sometimes students are problem with punctuality, because our lessons starts at 7.30. In a break students play football or go for a walk on a school yard. I hope that you will write to me too. Kisses, XYZ
I'm sorry that I didnt write for so long. I want to tell you about my school.
I like my school because I feel there safe and happy. I remember a lot of funny stories. For example in one time I slipped on a banana peel. My friends laughed a lot in this situation. But sometimes students are problem with punctuality, because our lessons starts at 7.30. In a break students play football or go for a walk on a school yard.
I hope that you will write to me too.
Kisses, XYZ