Przebywasz za Granicą. Przed kilkoma tygodniami kupiłas odtwarzacz mp3 , który po pewnym czasie przestał działać poprawnie . Rozmawiasz ze sprzedawca w sklepie , w którym dokonałas zakupu : Uwzglądnij :
- okoiczności zakupu
- dotychczasowe korzystanie z odtwarzacza
- oczekiwania w sprawie reklamacji
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" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Sprzedawca: Hello, Sir, how may I help you?
Ty: Hello. Two weeks ago, on Monday morning, I bought a Samsung MP3 player in this store. I'd been using it sporadically, once or twice a day while taking the bus to school. I took care of it properly and always put it back in its case. However, yesterday evening while on my way home, I switched on the MP3 player but none of the buttons worked. I couldn't play, pause, or select any songs. I am very frustrated because this MP3 player cost me over two hundred dollars and I'm expecting to either have my MP3 player replaced with a new one, or I'll demand a refund.
Sprzedawca: Just fill out this form, it's no problem to have the MP3 replaced.