Przebywasz z rodzicami nawycieczce w krakowie. napisz pocztówkę do kolegi z Anglii (czyli po ang. ):
- pinformuj o swoim miejscu pobytu
- opisz co juz zwiedziłeś
- wspomni jak spędzasz po południa i wieczory
- przekaż pozdrowienia =a dla waszego wspólnego znajomego
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Hi Tom,
now I'm in Craco with my parents. We live in a five star hotel. They took mi right here, because they wanted to show me some interesting places. Yesterday we saw a Wawel Dragon and tomorrow we will see Kościuszko's mound. Every afternoon we go for a lunch to wonderful caffee "Lavender" and in the evenings we go for a long walks in the center. Pass greetings to Mark, he would be happy when he will hear some news from me.
Love, .....