Przebywasz na wakacjach. Napisz pocztówkę do przyjaciółki z Anglii (50-100 słów), w której: -poinformujesz, gdzie przebywasz, -opiszesz pogodę, -powiesz, co robisz każdego dnia. proszę żeby to miało jakieś ręce i nogi ;) dziękuję z góry ;)
I'm sorry, that I didn't write to you earlier. I have a holidays and I am at my grandmother in Warsaw. The weather is very good: the sun shines and the rain doesn't rain. I came there for five days. On first day I was on the pool. On second day, tomorrow, I will go to my aunt. After I'll go to playground. On fourth day I will be in my grandmother's house. And finally on fifth day I'll go to cinema and come back to my home.
Hello Kate!
I'm sorry, that I didn't write to you earlier. I have a holidays and I am at my grandmother in Warsaw. The weather is very good: the sun shines and the rain doesn't rain. I came there for five days. On first day I was on the pool. On second day, tomorrow, I will go to my aunt. After I'll go to playground. On fourth day I will be in my grandmother's house. And finally on fifth day I'll go to cinema and come back to my home.
licze na podziekowanie i na naj :)