Przebywasz na KURSIE jezyukowym i wraz z grupa przyjaciol organizujesz turniej siatkowki. chcielibyscie, aby wzieli w nim udzial wasi nauczyciele z kursu. napisz zaproszenie w ktorym: *zaprosisz nauczycieli do wziecia udzialu w turnieju siatkowki *poinformujesz o miejscu i czasie imprezy *podasz, jalie nagrody mozne wygrac *zachecisz ich do wziecia udzialu
I would like to invite all the teachesrs from our course to take part in a volleyball tournament. The tournament will be organised at the day of 23th of june 2010 in the public gymnasium in this city. There many fatnastic prizes to win such as pots, medals. Everyone who takes part in our event will get a memorial diploma. I encourage you to accept our invitation, it will be great fun and nice opportunity to know each other better.
I would like to invite all the teachesrs from our course to take part in a volleyball tournament. The tournament will be organised at the day of 23th of june 2010 in the public gymnasium in this city. There many fatnastic prizes to win such as pots, medals. Everyone who takes part in our event will get a memorial diploma. I encourage you to accept our invitation, it will be great fun and nice opportunity to know each other better.