Wyjeżdzasz do Wielkiej Brytani na kurs jezykowy. Z dworca odbiora cie twoi gospodarze. Napisz do nich e-maila. W liscie:
-podaj termin twojego przyjazdu
-opisz swoj wyglad
-poinformuj jak bedziesz ubrany
-popros o wskazanie miejsca w ktorym sie spotkacie.
Twój znajomy z USA zapytal cie o twoje hobby. Napisz do nego pocztówke. Podaj inf;
-jakie masz hobby
-ile czasu na nie poswiecasz
-gdzie sie nim zajmujesz
-jakie wydatki sa z nim zwiazane
Na stronie internetowej jednego z niemieckich czaspism młodziezowych ukazala sie sonda na temat szkoły. Przeczytales wypowiedzi niemieckich uczniow. Podaj teraz krótki opis swojej szkoły. Uwzglednij:
-liczbe godzin lekcyjnych w tygodniu
-ilosc zadawnych prac domowych
-stosunke nauczycieli do uczniow
-atmosfere panujaca w twojej klasie
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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E-mail o kursie językowym:
Dear Mr and Mrs Johnson,
i'm writting to thank you for letting me stay with you in July. I can't wait to travel to Great Britain and of course i'm really excited about my course. This is a great opportunity for me. I'm not very good in english so i hope that it will change.
I also want to tell you some more informations that you should know. I'm comming to Great Britain on 12th July. I'm going to be at the station in London about 12am. I'm very tall so you won't have problem to recognize me. My hair is ginger and long. I have got green eyes and freckles. I'm going to wear tight jeans, red T-shirt and leather jacket. I have also a question. Where we're going to meet? I don't know London so please send me some directions and place of our meeting.
I can't wait to see you.
Best wishes,
Hi Will!
How are you my friend? Sorry for not writing earlier but i've been incredibly busy. Last time you asked me about my hobby. That's very interesting question. I have a lot of hobbies. I do many sports. My favourite one is skiing. I love it. In winter i spend almost every weekned on the slope. I usually go there with my family and friends so i have a lot of fun. I live in moutains so don't have problem with slopes. There are many of them. The nearest is about 1km from my home. The worst thing about skiing is that you have to pay a lot of money for a equipment and ski passes.
Tell my about your hobby.
Take care!