Prosze przetlumaczcie!!!!!!!!! 1. Pewien chlopak stojacy z potpartymi recami. Z wlosow zrobione dredy i na nich opasaka.Podkoszulka zielona z napisem. 2.Dziewczyna wyszykowana na balety.Wlosy blond spiete do gory,kolczyki na uszach,naszyjnik dlugi i kurtka biala z piorem przy rekawch i na kapturze. 3.Dziewczyna stojaca na tle rece schowane do tylu. Wlosy ciemne podpiete spinka oczy pomalowane czarna kredka a usta czerwona szminka a na szyji pare naszyjnikow oraz ma na sobie sukiernje ciemno czerwona.
1. A boy standing with his hands supported. With dreadlocks and hair done for them armband.T-shirt green with the inscription. 2.Girl prepared on balet.Hair blonde stapled to the top, pierced ears, a necklace and a long white jacket with feather cuffs and hood. 3.Girl standing against the hidden hands down. Dark hair pin plugged eyes painted black chalk and red paint lips on his neck and a few necklaces and wears a dark red dress
2.Girl prepared on balet.Hair blonde stapled to the top, pierced ears, a necklace and a long white jacket with feather cuffs and hood.
3.Girl standing against the hidden hands down. Dark hair pin plugged eyes painted black chalk and red paint lips on his neck and a few necklaces and wears a dark red dress