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" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Hello Maggie!
How are you? We haven't seen each other for a long time! How is your mum? Did she left the hospital?
Week ago I was on a concert, our favourite band were playing! Too bad, you wasn't be there. Anyway, I met a girl Jessica, she is tall, blonde girl with nice smile. She loves our favourite band just like us. She was so kind! We were talking all the time about everything. She told me that she likes swimming, and she won a competition last year, then I told her about you, and she said that she wants to meet you! I proposed her to meet at the cinema, but she doesn't like cinemas so she proposed that we can go to shopping centre and I agreed. I just have to ask you if you want to meet with her. She is free on Friday, do you have time? Please answer soon!
Pisałam sama, nie z jakiegoś translatora...mam nadzieję że jest dobrze :)