Prosze o przetlumaczenie tego na j.anielski Kobieta na obrazku jest szczupla i wysoka. Ma oczy niebieskie, a włosy dlugie,proste w kolorze blond,upiete w kok.w Ma wuszach dlugie kolczyki. Ubrana jest w sukienke koloru niebieskiego oraz krotka fioletowa marynarke.Ma biale azurowe rajstopy W reku trzyma mala torebke
A woman in the picture is slim and tall. He has blue eyes and her hair long, straight blond in color, pinned in a bun. Wuszach has long earrings. She is dressed in a blue dress and a short purple marynarke.Ma white lace stockings. The hand holding a small handbag.
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tu jest błąd ... he powinno być zmienione na she ponieważ he-on she-ona
A woman in the picture is slim and tall. He has blue eyes and long hair, straight blond in color, has pinned the kok.w wuszach long earrings. She is dressed in a blue dress and a short purple marynarke.Ma white lace stockings in his hand holding a small handbag.
He has blue eyes and her hair long, straight blond in color, pinned in a bun. Wuszach has long earrings.
She is dressed in a blue dress and a short purple marynarke.Ma white lace stockings. The hand holding a small handbag.
He has blue eyes and long hair, straight blond in color, has pinned the kok.w wuszach long earrings.
She is dressed in a blue dress and a short purple marynarke.Ma white lace stockings in his hand holding a small handbag.
Proszę Bardzo..;)