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What do you think of that painting, Ben?
It's similar to something my sister did last week!
It's supposed to be a great painting! What about the one with the shapes?
It looks a bit like my maths homework! It's a man and a woman.
Well, they don't look very realistic.
They aren't supposed to be realistic. It's a different type of painting.
Well, I don't like that kind of thing. I like the picture of the seaside. It reminds me of place I know.
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Łot du ju tink of dat pejnting, Ben ?
Yts similor tu somtfing maj sister did last łik !
Yts supołsd tu bi a grejt pejnting! Łot abałt de łan łyf de szejps?
Yt luks e byt lajk maj mafs hołmłork ! Yts a men end a łomen.
Łel, dej dont luk wery relistik.
Dej arent supołsd tu bi relistik. Its a difrent tajp of pejnting.
Łel, aj dont lajk dat kajnd of tfing. Aj lajk de pikczer of de sisajd. Yt remajnds mi of plejs aj noł.
łot du ju fink of dat peinting ben?
its similar tu somfing maj sister did last łik?
its supoust to bi a gret peinting! łot abołt de łan łif de szejps?
it luks a bit lajk maj mafs homłerk? its a difrent typ of painting.
łel i dont lajk dat kajnd of fing. aj lajk de pikczer of de sisajd. it remajnds mi of plejs i noł
Mam nadzieje że pomogłam :D