Prosze o nap. mi pracy jako chłopak po j.angielsku daje 20 punkt. PILNE Podczas pobytu na stypedium w Szkocji .Mieszkasz w wynajętym mieszkaniu . Obecnie szukasz lokatora .Napisz ogłoszenie które umieścisz na tablicy ogłoszeń na uczelni - napisz w jakiej okolicy znajduje się twoje mieszkanie - poinformuj ile wynosi czynsz - określ swoje cechy charakteru
Hi! I'm Duncan and I am looking for a new flatmate. The flat is in Partick, 5 minutes walk from Partick Station and 20 minutes walk from The University of Glasgow. Monthly rent is £250 per person. I am a nice, calm guy, easy to live with. However I like to have fun from time to time and go to the pub. I have a pet, so it would be great if my flatmate will like animals too. If you are interested in joining me as my flatmate call the number below.
tel.: 0xxxx xxx xxx
Prosze bardzo. W ramach wyjasnien, Partick jest jedna z dzielnic w Glasgow, nalezy do West End'u i faktycznie na uniwerek mozna sie dostac w 20 minut piechota. ;)
Hi! I'm Duncan and I am looking for a new flatmate. The flat is in Partick, 5 minutes walk from Partick Station and 20 minutes walk from The University of Glasgow. Monthly rent is £250 per person. I am a nice, calm guy, easy to live with. However I like to have fun from time to time and go to the pub. I have a pet, so it would be great if my flatmate will like animals too. If you are interested in joining me as my flatmate call the number below.
tel.: 0xxxx xxx xxx
Prosze bardzo. W ramach wyjasnien, Partick jest jedna z dzielnic w Glasgow, nalezy do West End'u i faktycznie na uniwerek mozna sie dostac w 20 minut piechota. ;)
Hi! I'm Duncan and I am looking for a new flatmate.
The flat is in Partick, 5 minutes walk from Partick Station and 20 minutes walk from The University of Glasgow. Monthly rent is £250 per person.
I am a nice, calm guy, easy to live with. However I like to have fun from time to time and go to the pub. I have a pet, so it would be great if my flatmate will like animals too. If you are interested in joining me as my flatmate call the number below.
tel.: 0xxxx xxx xxx
Prosze bardzo. W ramach wyjasnien, Partick jest jedna z dzielnic w Glasgow, nalezy do West End'u i faktycznie na uniwerek mozna sie dostac w 20 minut piechota. ;)
Hi! I'm Duncan and I am looking for a new flatmate.
The flat is in Partick, 5 minutes walk from Partick Station and 20 minutes walk from The University of Glasgow. Monthly rent is £250 per person.
I am a nice, calm guy, easy to live with. However I like to have fun from time to time and go to the pub. I have a pet, so it would be great if my flatmate will like animals too. If you are interested in joining me as my flatmate call the number below.
tel.: 0xxxx xxx xxx
Prosze bardzo. W ramach wyjasnien, Partick jest jedna z dzielnic w Glasgow, nalezy do West End'u i faktycznie na uniwerek mozna sie dostac w 20 minut piechota. ;)