Proszę to ważne dla mnie, na jutro z podręcznika matura choices fioletowego na str 103 mam takie zadanko z 3 pytaniami ale można się akurat w ostatnim pytaniu którego nie mam wykazać kreatywnością. poprosiłabym pilnie 3 zdania w odpowiedzi na to pytanie. 3) Tell me how you or someone you know celebrated an important event recently
How you or someone you know celebrated an important event recently?
My older sister has become an graduated and she celebrated it with her whole group. She was really satisfied and proud of that. Firstly she went to the offical ceremony, then whole group went to the restaurant to look back and recollect all interesting or funny moments during study.
My older sister has become an graduated and she celebrated it with her whole group. She was really satisfied and proud of that. Firstly she went to the offical ceremony, then whole group went to the restaurant to look back and recollect all interesting or funny moments during study.