bardzo proszę o pomoc, pilne !!
w prasie anglojęzycznej przeczytałeś/aś artykuł którego autor jest przeciwny organizacji letnich festiwali muzycznych. Napisz list do redakcji:
* wyjaśnij kto jest autorem artykułu i kiedy on się ukazał
*przedstaw dwie główne opinie autora artykułu, z którymi się nie zgadzasz
* wyraź swoją opinię na temat takich imprez i uzasadnij ją
* podsumuj swój list i zachęć czytelników do uczestnictwa w festiwalach.
(ok. 120-150 słów)
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Dear journalists from Sport News team,
I am writing in connection with recently edition of your newspaper. More precisely, I mean about Mr Hawking's article which was about opposition organization summer music festivals.
As we already know the author of this article is Mr Ben Hawking. His article released in 36th number of your weekly.
Mr Hawking thinks that people on these kinds of festivals are druggies, alcoholics and generally they are people from pathology. Second view which shook me too is conviction that organising these kinds of festivals is wasting public money.
I do not agree with these convictions - in my opinion Mr Hawking should not generalize because for sure not all of participants are druggies, etc. There are a lot of valuable and ambitious people who like have fun every now and then. There is nothing wrong with that. And as for conviction that this is wasting public money I will say that is not true too. These public fests are useful too. Nevertheless the city as an organizer of the party can promote his city to encouraging tourists to visit it.
Dear readers and you, dear editorial office - do not get crazy and let your own mind. This unforgetable atmosphere is unique and you should not think as Mr Hawking.
Loyal reader of Sport News
Richard Bradley