Proszę to bardzo ważne!
Napisac list na temat siebie zamiescic tam takie informacje; ile mam lat, troche o rodzinie o zainteresowaniach.
Liczba osob w rodzinie;4 do tego pies i dwie papugi.
Zainteresowanie sportem i muzyka
Naj. przyjaciolka paulina i kamila
Naj przyjaciel patryk
szkola m.reja 41 gimnazjum
Lat 14
i cos tam dodac ze mama sklepowa tata mechanik
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Hi Klara !
I just want to Tell You about myself. I hope You'll like it !
My name is Karina and I am 14 Years old. My friends are Patryk, Paulina and Kamila. I love to playing sports and listening to music ! I am studing in Mikolaj Rej's school, gymnasium number 41. In my family are 4 persons. I have a dog named (tu wpisz imię psa) and 2 parrots named(tu wpisz imiona papug) My mum name is (tu wpisz imię mamy) and she is (tu wpisz wiek mamy) Years old. She works in a shop. My dad's name is (tu wpisz imię taty. he is (tu wpisz wiek taty) years old.
Thats all, what I can say you about me and my family.
And what about you?? tell me something :)