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The film "Lie" is a horror movie .. . This is my favorite movie. One of the actors in this film is the singer Jon Bon Jovi, who plays the teacher. Other characters play high school students. Nobody believes a liar - even when telling the truth. When a young woman is found murdered, a group of students from local high school decided to scare their school friends on the internet spreading rumor that a serial killer nicknamed The wolf is at large. Describing the next victim Wolf, the students have fun, wanting to see how many people they can convince their lies and if anyone discovers the fraud. But when the described victims actually begin to die, nobody is sure where it ends with a lie, and where the truth begins. As someone or something begins hunting the same authors gossip, fun becomes frighteningly real. A group of students haunted by myself. When everyone wants to scare one of the boys, comes to the fact that he kills a teacher.Then thepolice arrivedandtookthe boy.It turnedoutthat theteachersleptwithhisdisciples.. The boy who killed a teacher was released, he found that he acted in self-defense. Girl comes to the boy, his friend who slept with a teacher. The boy discovered that she is competent assassin, and that the whole game she wanted to kill the teacher.
Film "Kłamstwo" to film horror.. . Jest to mój ulubiony film. Jednym z aktorów w tym filmie jest wokalista Jon bon Jovi, który gra nauczyciela . Inne postacie grają uczniów liceum .Nikt nie wierzy kłamcy - nawet jeśli rzeczywiście mówi prawdę. Kiedy młoda kobieta zostaje znaleziona zamordowana, grupka uczniów z miejscowego liceum postanawia przestraszyć swoich szkolnych przyjaciół roznosząc w internecie plotkę o tym, że seryjny morderca o pseudonimie Wilk jest na wolności. Opisując kolejne ofiary Wilka, uczniowie bawią się, chcąc zobaczyć ile osób potrafią przekonać swymi kłamstwami i czy ktokolwiek odkryje ich oszustwo. Jednak kiedy opisywane ofiary rzeczywiście zaczynają ginąć, nikt nie jest już pewny gdzie kończy się kłamstwo, a gdzie zaczyna prawda. W miarę jak ktoś lub coś zaczyna polować na samych autorów plotki, zabawa staje się przerażająco prawdziwa. Grupa uczniów straszy sama siebie. Kiedy wszyscy pragną nastraszyć jednego z chłopaków, dochodzi do tego że on zabija nauczyciela. Wtedy przyjechała policja i zabrała chłopaka. Okazało się, że nauczyciel sypiał ze swoimi uczennicami. Chłopiec, który zabił nauczyciela został uwolniony, bo uznali, że działał w samoobronie. Do chłopca przychodzi dziewczyna, jego koleżanka, która spała z nauczycielem. Chłopak odkrył, że to ona jest właściwą zabójczynią, a tą całą grą chciała zabić nauczyciela.
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Flm a "LieFilm a "Lie" is a film horror ... It is my favourite film. In this film a vocalist is one of actors Ion of Jovi nursemaids which is playing the teacher. Other figures are playing pupils of the secondary school. nobody believes the liar - even if indeed is telling the truth. When the young woman is staying found murdered woman, the group of pupils from the local secondary school is deciding to frighten its school friends spreading rumours in the Internet about it, that serial killer about the pseudonym the Wolfskin is at liberty.Describing next victims of the Wolfskin, pupils are playing, wanting to see how many persons they are able to convince with one's lies and whether anybody will reveal their fraud. However when described victims indeed are starting dying, nobody is already sure where the lie is ending, and where the truth is starting. As somebody or something are starting hunting for very authors of the rumour, fun is becoming awfully real. The group of pupils is frightening itself. When everyone want to scare one of boys, he/she is reaching the fact that he is killing the teacher. Then police arrived and she took the boy.As it turned out the teacher slept with his pupils. The boy which killed the teacher was freed, because they acknowledged that he had acted in self-defence. A girl is coming to the boy, his friend which slept with the teacher. The boy discovered that it is she was a competent murderess, and she wanted to kill the teacher with this entire game.
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