September 2018 1 25 Report

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. Przeczytaj uważnie poniższe streszczenia artykułów prasowych (1-8). Do każdego z nich dopasuj jeden z tytułów (A–K), wpisując odpowiednią literę przy numerze. Trzy tytuły nie pasują do żadnego fragmentu.A) A STONE STILL ROLLINGB) MAN OF MANY FACESC) GOODBYE TO THE CHAMPIONSD) WHAT MAKES BRITAIN LAUGHE) CITIES OF THE FUTUREF) CLEARING OUT THE CASTLESG) RUSSIAN ROULETTEH) AN OLD SPORT WITH A NEW FACEI ) WORLD OF DREAMSJ) SHERLOCK HOLMES COMES BACKK) SECRETS IN STONE1. For a sport with origins that date back nearly 2,000 years, badminton has been through some rapid changes in the 1990’s. Tina Maitland looks back at the game’s history and at the modern competition.2. If you are successful or powerful in Britain, you will probably become the subject of a joke in Private Eye. Annette MacKenzie explains the appeal of Britain’s popular satirical magazine.3. David Bowie is famous as much for his music as his ever changing image. Now aged over 50, he is still making new music, but he is happier being himself.4. Why did the ancient peoples of Britain and Ireland build huge stone monuments such as Stonehenge? To find out, Max de Lotbinière took a tour through the Stone Age.5. Many of Britain’s aristocrats have to sell their possessions to survive. John Baddeley finds out who is buying and selling Britain’s treasures.6. The British have a fascination with stories about murder and detectives – some people even spend their weekends at hotels trying to solve pretend crimes. Murder mystery writer, Simon Brett, finds out why everyone wants to know “whodunnit.”7. By the year 2002, more than half of the world’s population will live in cities. This means that over three billion people will be living on top of each other. Annette MacKenzie looks at the world’s urban future.8. The day of the cycling champion is over. So great is the competition that one rider cannot hope to win every race. Instead, he must concentrate entirely on one championship. Rosemarie Jones looks at the changing sport that is growing more popular every day. From BBC English: July 1996, Sept 1996, April 1997, May 1997, July 1997, Dec 1997.

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