September 2018 1 27 Report

Proszę o sprawzenie

Lieber xyz, vielen dank für Deine Grüße und Fotos. Sie waren toll. Ich war in den Sommerferien mit meinen Freunden in Kroatien. Wir hatten viel Spaß. Eines Tages waren wir am Meer. Meine Freundin wollte unbedingt schwimmen, obwohl sie schwimmen nicht kann. Sie ran ins Wasser und fing an zu schwimmen. Als wir mittbekommen dass sie im Wasser ist, hat sie schon geschrieen dass sie sinkt. Ich war shocked und ran ins Wasser um ihr zu helfen. Zum Glück waren dort auch andere Personen die helften sie zu retten. Alles endete gut, aber meine Freundin wollte später lange nicht mehr schwimmen. Und wie waren deine Sommerferien? Hattest Du irgendein Abenteuer erlebt?

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Proszę o pomoc, tych zdań wogule nie rozumiem, ani różnicy w tych dwóch czasach. Liczę na Was.Complete the sentences by choosing the correct verb form. 1. Cindy ('s been cleaning/'s cleaned) the house for over two hours but (hadn't cleaned/hasn't cleaned) the attic yet. 2. He ('s been/'d been) to Greece several times. Since last November he ('s been travelling/'s travelled) there twice a month to visit his family. 3. Before the parents went on a trip, they (have told/had told) their children not to watch too much TV. Unfortunately, that's all they ('d been doing/'ve done) until their parents came back. 4l Recently, I ('ve seen/'m seeing) a famous actor in a local supermarket. In fact, he ('d been seen/was seen) shopping there a long time before I saw him, my friends told me. 5. In war times, the building of the library (had served/has served) as a prison. For over twenty years after the war, public trials (have taken/had been taking) place there until the owner sold the property to a private investor. The library had a row of columns in the front which lately (have been demolished/was being demolished) by the new owner to prevent their sudden collapse. Now, the construction company (is converting/was converting) the building into a business centre. 6. Currently, I ('m working/'ve working) on a big-scale project using the dresses I ('ve designed/'d designed) during the studies. Hopefully, I ('ll have finished/'ll be finishing) it by next month. 7. This time last year I (was sailing/'d been sailing) across the Pacific. It (was raining/had rained) heavily for twelve days but, as I ('d experienced/'ve been experiencing) harsh conditions before, I managed to keep my boat afloat. 8. He ('s lost/'s been losing) half of his salary on gambling and now he ('s asking/'s asked) me to help him pay the bills. What a nerve! 9. They ('ve argued/'ve been arguing) since she announced that she (was leaving/'s been leaving) him for good. 10. "What's going on? Why (is everybody rushing/has everybody rushed) outside?" "The newly opened restaurant ('s given/'s been giving) out free pizza vouchers."

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