Proszę o sprawdzenie i poprawę ewentualnych błędów:
Zamieszkałeś niedawno w nowym domu. Napisz list do kolegi z zagranicy, w którym:
- poinformujesz, dokąd i dlaczego się przeprowadziłeś,
-opiszesz swój nowy dom i okolicę, w której się on znajduje,
- napiszesz co ci się podoba w tej okolicy a co nie,
- zaprosisz kolegę do siebie i zachęcisz go do przyjazdu.
Dear Karol,
J moved to the countryside, because my father find a new job. This work is dream my dad.
My new house is big and beautiful. There are three bedrooms, and big kitchen and two bathrooms. J have got own room. New envirions is calm and quiet.
I like the green and fresh air. It is great. J can have a dog, and two cats.
Karol, visit me in the my new flat. You will see my new hause and animals. Greetings from the countryside...
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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my father found
This is dream-work for my dad
I have got my own room
New envirions are
new house
Dear Karol !
I moved to the countryside , because my father found a new job. This work is like a dream for my dad.
My new house is big and beautiful. There are three bedrooms, and big kitchen and two bathrooms. I have got own room. New envirions is calm and quiet.
I like green and fresh air. This place is great. I can have a dog and two cats.(napisz co ci się nie podoba np. I don`t like my neighbour , because he embarrasses me.)
Karol, visit me in the my new flat. You will see my new house and animals. Greetings from the countryside and more...
I hope you come, Kamil
Ogólnie dobrze gdzienbiegdzie błędy tylko dopisz coś w 2 akapicie czego nie lubisz.