Proszę o przetłumaczenie zdań na język angielski. NIE Z TRANSLATORA.
1. Chciałabym zostać weterynarzem, bo chce pomagać zwierzętom. 2. Chciałabym zostać kelnerką ponieważ lubię kontakt z ludźmi. 3. Chciałabym zostać pilotem, ponieważ to dobrze płatny zawód. 4. Nie chciałabym zostać strażakiem, ponieważ boję się ognia. 5. Nie chciałabym zostać krawcową , ponieważ nie umiem szyć. 6. Nie chciałabym zostać księgową, ponieważ jest to nudna praca. 7. Nie chciałabym zostać sprzątaczką, ponieważ nie znoszę sprzątać. 8. Nie chciałabym zostać chirurgiem, ponieważ nienawidzę patrzeć ma krew. 9. Nie chciałabym zostać nauczycielem, ponieważ nie znoszę uczyć ludzi.
1. I would like to become a vet, because I want to help animals. 2. I would like to become a waitress,because I like contact with people 3. I would like to become a pilot, because it is well-paid job 4. I would not like to become a firefighter, because i am scared a fire 5. I would not like to become a seamstress, because i can not sew 6. I would not like to become a accountant,because this job is boring 7. I would not like to become a cleaner, because I can't stand clean 8. I would not like to become a surgeon, because I hate look at blood 9. I would not like to become a teacher, because I can't stand teach other people
2. I would like to become a waitress,because I like contact with people
3. I would like to become a pilot, because it is well-paid job
4. I would not like to become a firefighter, because i am scared a fire
5. I would not like to become a seamstress, because i can not sew
6. I would not like to become a accountant,because this job is boring
7. I would not like to become a cleaner, because I can't stand clean
8. I would not like to become a surgeon, because I hate look at blood
9. I would not like to become a teacher, because I can't stand teach other people