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W Irlandii ludzie inaczej niż w Polsce spędzają święta Wielkanocne.Większość z nich nie pamięta już tradycji przodków i w ogóle ich nie celebruje. Wielkanoc jest okazją do zjedzenia uroczystego obiadu,którego głównymi daniami są indyk i szynka. A przecież zabawne mogłoby być uczestnictwo w tak zwanym"pogrzebie śledzia". Ten unikalny irlandzki zwyczaj kończył post. Bo przez 40 dni ludzie jedli tylko ryby. W Wielką Sobotę miejscowy rzeźnik stawał na czele procesji,która szła przez całe miasto z zawieszonym na kiju śledziem. Był on bity i poniewierany, a potem wrzucany do pobliskiej rzeki. Na jego miejsce zawieszano przystrojony w kwiaty udziec z barana.
A jajko? Jest to chyba uniwersalny symbol Wielkanocy. Dawniej irlandzkie mamy, w tajemnicy przed swoimi pociechami, malowały jajka, podpisywały ich imieniem i chowały w kurniku, ogrodzie lub w pobliżu domu. Dzieci rano w niedzielę wielkanocną poszukiwały ukrytych niespodzianek. I chyba jest to jedyny zwyczaj, który przetrwał w Irlandii do dziś. Tylko że kurze jajka zastąpione zostały czekoladowymi.
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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In Ireland people spend Easter in another way than people in Poland. More of them don't remember tradition of ancestors and they don't celebre it at all. Easter is a chance to eat ceremonial dinner, which mean meals are: turkey and ham, but funny could be participation in so- called "Herring's funeral". This unique irish custom was finishing Lent. It called like that, beacuse people for 40 days ate only fishes.
On Holy Saturday, local butcher was in charge of procession. The procession was going through the city with herring on stick. The herring was beating and in the end he was throwing to close river. On his place, they (people) were hanging elegant, decorated with flowers ram's haunch.
And what with eggs? This is universal symbol of Easter. In the past, irish mothers were painting eggs and writing names of child in secret of children. On the next, mothers were hidding eggs in hen house, garden or somewhere near house. On Saturdy morning, children were looking for hidden suprises. Propably that's the one custom, which is in Ireland for today. Almoust, beacuse chicken's eggs are raplaced chocolate eggs.
Nie tłumaczyłam wszystkiego dosłownie, bo to byłoby bezsensowne;p
Pozmieniałam troszkę zdania i niektóre połączyłam ze sobą, ale wszystko ma ten sam kontekst i mówi o tym samym :)
In Ireland, people spend Easter in another way than in Poland. Majority of them don't remember the traditions of their ancestors and at all they don't celebrate this holiday. Easter is an ocassion for eating solmen dinner, the main dishes are turkey and ham. And after all, it could be fun participation in so called "funeral herring". This unique irish habit finished post because for 40 days people ate only fish. On Holy Saturday, the local butcher stood at the head of the procession, witch was going through the entire city with a suspended herring on a stick. He was hit and roughed up, and then he was thrown into a nearby river. In its place was hung adorned with flowers leg of lamb.
And the egg? This is probably a universal symbol of Easter. Once, the Irish mother in a secret from their children, painted eggs, signed their name and hid in the henhouse, garden or by near home. Children in the morning of Easter Sunday were looking for hidden surprises. And probably this is the only custom, which survived in Ireland to this day. But, chicken eggs are replaced by chocolate eggs.