Do tej pory u2 nagrali 12 albumów studyjnych. Zespół cieszy się popularnością na całym świecie. Zespół trzy razy wystąpił w Polsce. Pierwszy raz na warszawskim Służewcu 12 sierpnia 1997. Dwa kolejne występy miały miejsce przed na Stadionie Śląskim w Chorzowie: 5 lipca 2005 i 6 sierpnia 2009, w trakcie tournée o nazwie 360° Tour.
So far, u2 recorded 12 studio albums. The band is popular throughout the world. The band performed three times in Poland. For the first time in Warsaw Służewiec August 12, 1997. Two further performances took place before the Silesian Stadium in Chorzow: 5 July 2005 and August 6, 2009, during a tour called the 360 ° Tour.
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So far at 2 recorded 12 studio albums. The team is enjoying popularity worldwide. The team three times appeared in Poland. The first time on Warsaw Służewiec 12 of August 1997. Two next performances took place before at the stadium Silesian in Chorzov: of 5 July 2005 and of 6 August 2009, in the process of the tour about name 360 ° Tour.
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So far, u2 recorded 12 studio albums. The band is popular throughout the world. The band performed three times in Poland. For the first time in Warsaw Służewiec August 12, 1997. Two further performances took place before the Silesian Stadium in Chorzow: 5 July 2005 and August 6, 2009, during a tour called the 360 ° Tour.
The band performed three times in Poland. For the first time in Warsaw Służewiec August 12, 1997. Two further performances took place before the Silesian Stadium in Chorzow: 5 July 2005 and August 6, 2009, during a tour called the 360 ° Tour.
The team three times appeared in Poland. The first time on Warsaw Służewiec 12 of August 1997. Two next performances took place before at the stadium Silesian in Chorzov: of 5 July 2005 and of 6 August 2009, in the process of the tour about name 360 ° Tour.
The band performed three times in Poland. For the first time in Warsaw Służewiec August 12, 1997. Two further performances took place before the Silesian Stadium in Chorzow: 5 July 2005 and August 6, 2009, during a tour called the 360 ° Tour.