Proszę o przetłumaczenie historyjki w punktach. 1. Pewnego dnia Tekla i Zyzio spotkali się w sekrecie aby wyznać sobie miłość. 2. Tekla obawiała się, że jej rodzice nie zgodzą się na ślub z ukochanym. 3. Zyzio poszedł prosić o zgodę na ślub ojca Tekli. Zaczął go błagać obawiając się odmowy. 4. Ojciec się zgodził, mimo obaw młodych. 5. Zyzio i jej tata spotkali się aby ustalić datę ślubu i zamówić kapłana. 6. Podczas ceremonii Zyzio zaznaczył czerwoną kropkę na czole Tekli, która symbolizuje wierność wobec męża, 7. Złożyli ofiary w postaci ryżu. 8. Na końcu okrążyli ognisko 7 razy miało to miejsce na pustym polu. 9. Podczas gdy goście ich wpierali i oglądali całą ceremonię 10. I tak Tekla i Zyzio zostali małżeństwem
1st One day, Tekla and Louie met in secret to confess one's love. 2nd Tekla was afraid that her parents will not agree to marry her beloved. 3rd Louie went to ask for permission to marry the father of Tekla. He started begging him fearing denial. 4th Father agreed, despite the concerns of young people. 5th Louie and her dad met to determine the date of the wedding and ordered the priest. 6th During the ceremony, Louie pointed red dot on the forehead Thecla, which symbolizes fidelity to her husband, 7th Sacrifice in the form of rice. 8th At the end they marched around the fire seven times took place in an empty field. 9th While the guests of their supports, and watched the whole ceremony 10th Thus, Tekla and Louie were married
2nd Tekla was afraid that her parents will not agree to marry her beloved.
3rd Louie went to ask for permission to marry the father of Tekla. He started begging him fearing denial.
4th Father agreed, despite the concerns of young people.
5th Louie and her dad met to determine the date of the wedding and ordered the priest.
6th During the ceremony, Louie pointed red dot on the forehead Thecla, which symbolizes fidelity to her husband,
7th Sacrifice in the form of rice.
8th At the end they marched around the fire seven times took place in an empty field.
9th While the guests of their supports, and watched the whole ceremony
10th Thus, Tekla and Louie were married