My brother is very interesting person. He's very intelligent and ambitious. He's sometimes lazy and childlish a bit. He studies computer science. He's got sense of humour and we often laugh at ourselves. He's really smart and we can talk about everything. We like the same music and films. My brother often helps me in math or physics. I love to spend time with him. He's my best friend.
Ogólnie może być taki opis osoby? Powinnam coś jeszcze dopisać?
My brother is a very interesting person. He's very intelligent and ambitious. He's sometimes lazy and a bit childlish. He studies computer science. He's got sense of humour and we often laugh at ourselves. He's really smart and we can talk about everything. We like the same music and films. My brother often helps me with math or physics. I love to spend time with him. He's my best friend.
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Według mnie text jest na conajmniej 5+ nie mam zastrzeżeń tylko w przed ostatnim zdaniu matematyka pisze się maths a nie math jakby co :)