Proszę o pomoc odpowiedzieć na pytania do wiersza proszę o pomoc proszę potrzebne na jutro
1 The poem is mainly about turkeys which is a traditional dish during Thanksgiving Day. It is a kind of request not to kill these poor animals. 2 The poet is talking to every single human being. He is talking to "me" 3 He tells the reader to be nice to a turkey and keep it alive. He also tells not to eat turkey, not to modify them genetically or keep them in cages. 4 yu dis christmas hav fun dem Dey dere Maybe the poet couldn't write properly and that is why some words are misspelled or maybe he is a dyslexic. A poet wrote this words just as we can hear them. 5 I like this poem because it presents in a clever and funny way important message of how bad killing turkeys is.
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1. Whatis the poem about? /Oczym jest wiersz?/
In my opinion the poem is some kind of protest against of killing and eating turkeys – the traditional meal on Thanksgiving Holiday. The author wants to say that we shouldn’t kill the turkeys and farmers shouldn’t even keep them in captivity. This is a quotation: „ ... They hav a right to a life, not be caged up…”
/Moim zdaniem wiersz jest pewnego rodzaju protestem przeciwko zabijaniu i zjadaniu indyków – tracyjnej potrawy Święta Dziękczynienia. Autor chce powiedzieć, że nie powinniśmy zabijać indyków a hodowcy nie powinni nawet trzymać ich w niewoli. Oto cytat: „... Mają prawo by żyć, nie w klatkach...”/
2. Who is the poet talking to? /Do kogo zwraca się poeta?/
I think that the poet talking to everyone who write the lyric, but especially to the farmers - in my opinion. At the last line poet says: “By any farmer”, so it can be the main addresser of the poem. /Sądzę, że poeta zwraca się (mówi) do każdego kto czyta wiersz, ale w szczególności do hodowców (farmerów) – moim zdaniem. W ostatniej linijce poeta mówi: „Przez jakiegokolwiek hodowcę”, więc może to być głowny adresat wiersza./
3. What does he tell the readers to do/not to do? / Co mówi o tym, co czytelnicy mają robić/ nie robić?/
a) Be nice to your turkey; /być miłym dla swojego indyka/ b) Don’t eat it – keep it alive; /nie jejśc – pozwolić żyć/ c) Not caged up the turkey; /nie zamykac w klatkach/
To można ułożyć w zdania, ale jestem zmeczony dzisiaj.... reszty już nie tłumacze na polski...
4. Which words are spelt incorrectly? Why do you think they are written like this?
These words are spelt incorrectly: ‘yu” – you, your; “hav” – have; “dem” – them; and “dis” – this. And we can find something like this: “Yo!” In my opinion they are written in this way because: a) This is poetry and author can write or say what he wants… b) Pronunciations of these words are the same in both versions so the meaning is also the same; c) It is some kind of language of youth, so young people more likely would read such text like this one.
5. Do you like the poem? Why/why not?
I like very much this poem. I think that the lyric is funny and positive!
2 The poet is talking to every single human being. He is talking to "me"
3 He tells the reader to be nice to a turkey and keep it alive. He also tells not to eat turkey, not to modify them genetically or keep them in cages.
4 yu
hav fun
Maybe the poet couldn't write properly and that is why some words are misspelled
or maybe he is a dyslexic. A poet wrote this words just as we can hear them.
5 I like this poem because it presents in a clever and funny way important message of how bad killing turkeys is.
In my opinion the poem is some kind of protest against of killing and eating turkeys – the traditional meal on Thanksgiving Holiday. The author wants to say that we shouldn’t kill the turkeys and farmers shouldn’t even keep them in captivity. This is a quotation: „ ... They hav a right to a life, not be caged up…”
/Moim zdaniem wiersz jest pewnego rodzaju protestem przeciwko zabijaniu i zjadaniu indyków – tracyjnej potrawy Święta Dziękczynienia. Autor chce powiedzieć, że nie powinniśmy zabijać indyków a hodowcy nie powinni nawet trzymać ich w niewoli. Oto cytat: „... Mają prawo by żyć, nie w klatkach...”/
2. Who is the poet talking to? /Do kogo zwraca się poeta?/
I think that the poet talking to everyone who write the lyric, but especially to the farmers - in my opinion. At the last line poet says: “By any farmer”, so it can be the main addresser of the poem.
/Sądzę, że poeta zwraca się (mówi) do każdego kto czyta wiersz, ale w szczególności do hodowców (farmerów) – moim zdaniem. W ostatniej linijce poeta mówi: „Przez jakiegokolwiek hodowcę”, więc może to być głowny adresat wiersza./
3. What does he tell the readers to do/not to do? / Co mówi o tym, co czytelnicy mają robić/ nie robić?/
a) Be nice to your turkey; /być miłym dla swojego indyka/
b) Don’t eat it – keep it alive; /nie jejśc – pozwolić żyć/
c) Not caged up the turkey; /nie zamykac w klatkach/
To można ułożyć w zdania, ale jestem zmeczony dzisiaj.... reszty już nie tłumacze na polski...
4. Which words are spelt incorrectly? Why do you think they are written like this?
These words are spelt incorrectly: ‘yu” – you, your; “hav” – have; “dem” – them; and “dis” – this. And we can find something like this: “Yo!” In my opinion they are written in this way because:
a) This is poetry and author can write or say what he wants…
b) Pronunciations of these words are the same in both versions so the meaning is also the same;
c) It is some kind of language of youth, so young people more likely would read such text like this one.
5. Do you like the poem? Why/why not?
I like very much this poem. I think that the lyric is funny and positive!