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Proszę o pomoc!!! napisac w odpowideniej formie 120-150 słow
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Hello XYZ
How are you ? I'd like to describe my favourite shop. Two months ago , opened a new shopping center. There's a lot of shops : cropp , house , new yorker , reserved etc. but my favourite is H&M. H&M is upon the main entrance , next cropp . First time I was there with my mom. In shop was sale . Full dress , tshirts , pants. I tell you I was in seventh heaven. I bought beautiful dress and jewelry. The price is different , you can find some cool things at half price. Remember Kate? She works there. She says she met a lot of nice people. shop is really recommendable : nice , full clothes and good prices. How you come, we go to him. What is your favourite shop ?
Can you describe him ?