Mam ogromną porośbe
Proszę ułożyć dluzszy dialog z odpowiedziami do podanych podpunktów( dialog z kolezanką)
-studies? plans?
-hobbies ?
Dialog ma być rozbudowany odpowiedzi tez rozbudowane.
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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-Hi :D
-Hey ;*
-Whats your name?
- my name is ....
-Oooh, you have beautiful name, my name is ...
-Thanks, you too
-Thank you ! :D Hmm.. Are you a single? If i can ask about this ;)
-Of course, u can. I'm a single, but i am happy without anybody ;p
-Haha, weel. Now, the next question. Whatyou tell meabout your home?
-Well, I livein an apartment, nota detached house.I have a roomwith his youngerhalf-brother.It does not fitme,butI have no choice.We have threerooms, not including thekitchen, bathroom andhallway.At homeI have a greatbath,small balcony.Zamieniłabymbathlarge balcony.We have adog, a smallshepherd.I would like tohave anothercat,but the parentsdo not agree.It's probablyenough :D
-Hmm, mayby more about your arents?
-Okay, my mom is nurse in hospital, my dad is lawyer.
-Well, thats enough :D
-Now.. What are your plant for future?
-I do not havemuchdetailed plansfor the future.All I know isthat I will notdowhat Iwill planthe parents.
-Hahahaha, thats funny.
-No, why?
-Because u r little rebel.
-Yeah :D
-Now, the last question. What your hobby?
-Hmm, i love horses. Is my life.
-Of course you're riding on horses?
-Yeah, what else?
-Nothing, thanks for your answers ;)
-Okay, thanks, bye.
Liczę na naj ;)