proszęę o odpowiedzenie na pytania :
1 .Where were you born ?( gdzie się urodziłeś?) odp. W RZESZOWIE
2 .Have you moved house or do you live in the same place?(czy się przeprowadziłeś czy mieszkasz w tym samym miejscu)odp. W TYM SAMYM
3 .What's your earliest memory ?(jakie są twoje najwcześniejsze wspomnienia)odp ... I TU PROSZĘ WYMYŚLEĆ JAKIEŚ CIEKAWE ;P
4 .Do you remember junior school?(czy pamiętasz szkołę podstawową)ODP . TU TEŻ ;P
5 .How long have you been at secondary school?(jak długo byłeś w gimnazjum)ODP. 2 LATA TERAZ TRZECI
6 .Have you changed much since you were young?(czy bardzo się zminiłaś odkąd byłaś młoda) ODP. TROCHĘ I COŚ TU WYMYŚLEĆ
7 .what do you think you'll do when you finish school?(jak myślisz co będziesz robił jak skończysz szkołę ) ODP. TU TEŻ ;P
8 .what do you really want to do before you're old?(co naprawdę chcesz zrobić zanim będziesz stary) ODP. TEŻ WYMYŚLEĆ ;P
3.I' VE BEEN AT...
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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1. Where were you born ? I was born in Rzeszów.
2. Have you moved to another house or do you live in the same place? I still live in the same place.
3 .What's your earliest memory ? I remember best Christmas time when I was three. I used to be a naughty child but that Christmas I was a very good child because the whole family came to our house and I got a lot of presents. This is the earliest memory I have.
4 .Do you remember junior school? Yes, I still remember my junior school. I remember best my science teacher. She was very funny and she would make us laugh almost all the time.
5 .How long have you been at secondary school? I've been at secondary school for over two years. Now, I'm in the third grade.
6 .Have you changed much since you were young?
Yes, I've changed a lot since I were young. I used to hate going to the cinema, and now I love it. I would also play truant quite often when I was at junior school and now I attend classes regularly.
7 . What do you think you'll do when you finish school?
When I finish secondary school, I'll go to high school and when I finish all my schools, I'll go to work and I'll earn a lot of money, I hope.
8 .what do you really want to do before you're old?
I want to have a good, well-paid job, a happy family and a good health to travel a lot. I would like to visit a lot of countries before I'm old.
Podział na paragrafy:
I was born in Rzeszów. I still live in the same place.
I remember best Christmas time when I was three. I used to be a naughty child but that Christmas I was a very good child because the whole family came to our house and I got a lot of presents. This is the earliest memory I have.
I still remember my junior school. I remember best my science teacher. She was very funny and she would make us laugh almost all the time. I've been at secondary school for over two years. Now, I'm in the third grade. I've changed a lot since I were young. I used to hate going to the cinema, and now I love it. I would also play truant quite often when I was at junior school and now I attend classes regularly.
When I finish secondary school, I'll go to high school and when I finish all my schools, I'll go to work and I'll earn a lot of money, I hope. I want to have a good, well-paid job, a happy family and a good health to travel a lot. I would like to visit a lot of countries before I'm old.