November 2018 2 39 Report

Proszę, napiszcie jak się czyta po niemiecku wyrazy:

1. prać - waschen

2. heißen - nazywać się

3. kennen - znać

4. gießen - podlewać

5. halten - zatrzymywać się

6. reiten - jeździć konno

7. Liegen - leżeć

8. Leihen - pożyczyć

9. Schlafen - spać

10. Schneiden - kroić

11. Geschehen - wydarzyć się

12. Schlagen - bić

Proszę tylko o popraną wymowę. muszę dobrze to umieć, bo mam z tego odpowiedź ustną ;)

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Uzupelnij w passive (stronie biernej) lu active (czynnej). Na necie sa bledne odpowiedzi do tego :( 5 Complete the gaps with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets: passive or active. Last month, I was chosen (chose) to appear on a reality TV show. It takes place next month and I’ve been very busy preparing. I 1__________ (already/give) lots of information about what to do and, a few days ago, I 2__________ (take) to the studio where it will be filmed. It’s a new show – well, it 3__________ (not/show) in this country before but it’s very popular in the USA where about 20 million people 4__________ (watch) it every week! I won the chance in a competition – I’m in a competition club, I 5__________ (pay) a few pounds every year and they 6__________ (send) me details of all newspaper and magazine competitions every week. I 7__________ (often/tell) that it’s a waste of time and money but it’s great fun and this isn’t the first thing I’ve won. Last month, I was offered (offer) a job with a local newspaper. I 1__________ (give) a camera and they 2__________ (tell) me to go out and find some interesting stories. I didn’t know where to start. I took three photos in my first week but none of them 3__________ (use). Since then, I 4__________ (give) some help. I’m now working with an experienced journalist. He’s great and his stories 5__________ (know) to be the most interesting in the paper. He has lots of contacts. Every morning, people 6__________ (send) him texts telling him where to go. Today, we’re off to the zoo. We’ve just heard that a tiger 7__________ (escape)…

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