Proszę o pilniej pomocy daję 100 punktów. This expedition began this morning almost an hour later than I had planned, despite my having completed my packing and loaded the Ford with all necessary items well before eight o'clock. What with Mrs Clements and the girls also gone for the week, I suppose I was very conscious of the fact that once I departed, Darlington Hall would stand empty for probably the first time this century - perhaps for the first time since the day it was built. It was an odd feeling and perhaps accounts for why I delayed my departure so long, wandering around the house many times over, checking one last time all was in order. It is hard to explain my feelings once I did finally set off. For the first twenty minutes or so of motoring, I cannot say I was seized by any excitement or anticipation at all. This was due, no doubt, to the fact that though I motored further and further from the house, I continued to find myself in surroundings with which I had at least a passing acquaintance. Now I had always supposed I hat travelled very little, restricted as I am by my responsibilities in the house, but of course, over time, one does make various excursions for one professional reason or another, and it would seem I have become much more acquainted with those neighbouring districts than I had realised. For as I say, as I motored on in the sunshine towards the Berkshire border, I continued to be surprised by the familiarity of the country around me. But then eventually the surroundings grew unrecognisable and I knew I had gone beyond all previous boundaries. I have heard people describe the moment, when setting sail in a ship, when one finally loses sight of the land. I imagine the experience of unease mixed with exhilaration often described in connection with this moment is very similar to what I felt in the Ford as the surroundings grea strange to me. I took a turning and found myself on a road curving round the edge of a hill. I could sense the steep drop to my left, though I could not see it due to the trees and thick foliage that lined the roadside. The feeling swept over me that I had truly left Darlington Hall behind, and I must confess I did feel a slight sense of alarm - a sense aggravated by the feeling that I was perhaps not on the correct road at all, but speeding off in totally the wrong direction into a wilderness. It was only the feeling of a moment, but it caused me to slow down. And even when I had assured myself I was on the right road, I felt compelled to stop the car a moment to take stock, as it were. I decided to step out and stretch my legs a little and when I did so, I received a stronger impression than ever of being perched on the side of a hill. On the one side of the road, thickets and small trees rose sharply, while on the other I could now glimpse through the foliage the distant countryside. I believe I had walked a little way along the roadside, peering through the foliage hoping to geta better view, when I heard a voice behind me. Until this point, of course, I had believed myself quite lone and I turned in some surprise. A little way further up the road on the opposite side, I could set he start of a footpath, which disappeared sharply up into the thickets. Sitting on the large stone that narked this spot was a thin, white-haired man in a cloth cap, smoking his pipe. He called to me again nd though I could not quite make out his words, I could see him gesturing for me to join him. Fo moment, I took him for a vagrant, but then I saw he was just some local fellow enjoying the fresh ir and summer sunshine, and saw no reason not to comply. 31 The writer set out on his journey later than planned because A packing his belongings took longer than expected. B there was no one to help him get everything ready. C he was feeling sad about leaving the house. D he repeatedly inspected the house. Pace yourself - leave time at the end to go back to any questions you may have left and check all your answers. 32 "This' (line 9) refers to the fact that the writer A was feeling very emotional. was struggling with his feelings. C wasn't experiencing certain feelings. D wasn't feeling anything at all. 33 The writer uses the phrase 'I had gone beyond all previous boundaries' (line 17), to mean that A he now felt that there was no turning back. B he had entered an area that was new to him. C he had crossed the border into a different county. D he now had no idea where he was going. 34 What caused the writer to start driving more slowly? A The road had become steep and winding. B He suddenly realised he was driving too fast. C He began to feel panic, making it difficult to drive. D He suddenly feared that he might have got lost. 35 When the writer stopped to stretch his legs he A believed there was no one else around. B didn't want to speak to anybody. C couldn't see anything because of the trees. D didn't know there was a town nearby. 36 All in all, what seemed to be the writer's attitude to his trip? A He regretted having started it. B He felt unable to continue it. C He had mixed feelings about it. I He just wanted to get it over with.
Proszę o pilniej pomocy daję 100 punktów!!!!!! 1. The teacher promised ___ . A)that we can learn three English songs. B) if we learn three English songs. C)we would learn three English songs. D) whether we would learn three English songs. E)who will learn three English songs. 2. Bill: “Have you seen any interesting comedy lately, Nancy?” Billasked Nancy ___ . A) if he will see an interesting film B)if he saw an interesting comedy lately C) what comedy Nancy saw lately D)if she had seen any interesting comedy lately E) if she would see an interesting comedy 3.Nick: “Did you see a bird in the tree?” Nick wonders ___ in the tree. A)if I saw a bird. B) that I saw a bird. C)if I had seen a bird. D)whether I see a bird. E) if I have seen a bird. 4.Dick to Lucy: Have you received my telegram ? - Dick asked if ___ . A)Lucy had received his telegram. B) Lucy has received his telegram C)Lucy would receive his telegram D)Lucy will receive his telegram E)Lucy received his telegram 5.Ann: Write down my address. Annasked me ___ . A)he wrote down my address B)to write down her address C)he had written her address D)she writes down her address E)she wrote down his address 6.He said, “I’m very busy today.” - He said ___ . A)he had been very busy that day B)he is very busy today C)he was very busy that day D)I’m very busy today E)I had been very busy that day 7.Lena said, “Where have you been yesterday?” - Lena asked ___ . A)where she had been the day before. B)where she had been yesterday. C)where she was the day before. D)where she could be the day before. E)where she hasn’t been before. 8.He thought: “What am I going to do?” Hethought ___ . A)what was he going to do B)what he was going to do C)what he is going to do D)it he was going to do E)what is he going to do 9.Mother asked me ___ . A)why I have spent all the money B)that I had spent all the money C)if I had spent all the money D)when I spend all the money E)if I will spend all the money 10.“Don’t play in the street!” A)My mother told me don’t play in the street. B)My mother said to play in the street. C)She asked me to play in the street. D)My mother told me not to play in the street. E)My mother said I should play in the street. 11.Ann: “Is your sister good at English?” Annasked me ___ . A)that my sister is good at English B)if my sister was good at English C)whether my sister is good at English D)my sister is good at English E)her sister was good at English 12.Tom: “Don’t forget to bring my book, Ann”. - Tom asked Ann: ___ . A)that she didn’t forget to bring his book B)that she doesn’t bring his book C)not to forget to bring his book D)not to forget to bring her book E)if she didn’t forget to bring the book 13.Mother: “We are going to have supper”. Mothersays ___ . A)they are going to have supper B)they were going to have supper C)that they would have supper D)they won’t have supper E)they haven’t had supper yet 14.Jack said: “I was at home yesterday.” Jack said ___ . A)he was at home. B)Jack said he was at home the day before C)he will be at home. D)he had been at home a week ago. E)he had been at home the day before. 15.“Do you go in for sports?”, he asked. Heasked ___ . A)he went in for sports. B)if I went in for sports. C)if I’ll go in for sports. D)I should go in for sports. E)if I had gone in for sports. 16.“Will Tom help me?” she said. She asked ___ . A)will Tom help her B)if Tom would help her C)whether he will help her D)whether would he help her E)that Tom would be helping her 17.Peter said, “Alice, are you busy now?” Peterasked Alice ___ . A)she was busy. B)if she was busy then. C)she would be busy. D)if she wasn’t busy then. E)if she is busy. 18. My sister said: “I hope we shall go on an excursion to the lake”. - Mysister said that ___ on an excursion to the lake”. A)she hopes we will go B)she didn’t hope that we shall go C)she hoped they would go D)she hoped we were going E)she hoped we can go
Pomóżcie proszę pilnie!!! daję 20 punktów Proszę uzupełnić tekst poprawnymi formami wyrazów podanych w nawiasach – zgodnie z podanym przykładem (aspekt i różne formy czasowników). Powszechnie myśli się0 (myśleć/pomyśleć)0 , że o przeszłości ziem słowiańskich wiadomo wszystko. Efekty licznych badań archeologicznych prowadzonych w Polsce ogłaszano0 (ogłaszać/ogłosić)0 już przecież nie raz. Archeologia potrafi jednak czasem sprawić0 (sprawiać/sprawić)0 prawdziwą niespodziankę. Kiedy kilka lat temu pojawiły się0 (pojawiać się/pojawić się)0 pierwsze informacje o Wandalach w pewnej wsi w południowej Polsce, na okolicę ………………………………….. 1 (padać/paść)1 strach. „Wandale u nas?” - ………………………………...……….. 2 (pytać/zapytać)2 z niedowierzaniem. Później ………………..…….…………………. 3 (okazywać się/okazać się)3 , że chodziło tylko o znalezisko archeologiczne: grób wojownika i ozdobny pas. Niedawno ……………………………....…… 4 (rodzić się/zrodzić się)4 pomysł stworzenia tam muzeum. Wandalowie przez jakiś czas ……………………………………… 5 (zasiedlać/zasiedlić)5 część polskich ziem. Obecnie najczęściej ……………………….…….……….. 6 (rozważać/rozważyć)6 hipotezę mówiącą o tym, że plemię to ostatecznie …………..…………………..………. 7 (docierać/dotrzeć)7 na nasze tereny w III wieku przed nasza erą. O Wandalach wiadomo tylko tyle, ile inni …………………………………..…. 8 (zawierać/zawrzeć)8 o nich w swych pismach. Ich własne kroniki ………………………………………. 9 (przepadać/przepaść)9 albo je skutecznie ……………………….………… 10 (niszczyć/zniszczyć)10 .
Pomóżcie proszę pilnie!!! Daję 25 punktów Proszę uzupełnić tekst poprawnymi formami wyrazów podanych w nawiasach – zgodnie z podanym przykładem (tworzenie i odmiana imiesłowów). Marząc0 (marzyć) 0 o mężu perfekcjoniście, Iwona zaczęła baczniej obserwować nauczycieli zatrudnionych0 (zatrudnić) 0 w swojej szkole. Wziąwszy0 (wziąć) 0 pod uwagę fakt, że była ich szefową, miała wiele okazji do rozmów z pracującymi0 (pracować) 0 tam mężczyznami. Na początku sądziła, że perfekcjoniści są idealnymi ludźmi. …………………………..1 (Oddawać się)1 z pasją temu, co robią, starają się jak najlepiej wywiązywać z …………………………..2 (podejmować)2 zadań. Później zobaczyła, że są też trochę neurotyczni. …………………………3 (Żyć)3 w nieustannym napięciu, są okrutnie ………………………..4 (wymagać)4 w stosunku do innych ludzi. I ogromnie cierpią, ………………………….5 (widzieć)5 , że wiele prac – pomimo całego ich zaangażowania – ……………………………6 (zatrzymać)6 zostaje na półmetku. …………………………7 (Zważyć)7 na takie skutki bycia perfekcjonistą, Iwona stwierdziła, że nie są to najlepsi kandydaci na męża. Niepowodzenia są przecież częścią ludzkiego losu, bo w nasze działania zawsze będzie ……………………….8 (wpisać)8 jakiś współczynnik błędu. Sztuka życia polega na tym, żeby po upadku umieć się podnieść i mimo …..…………………..9 (ponieść)9 porażki iść dalej ………………………..10 (wytyczyć)10 drogą.

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