Zad1przeczytaj poniższy tekst. Następnie przyporządkuj jego poszczególnym fragmentom (1-6) tytuły(A-H). Dwa tytuły nie pasują do żadnego fragmentu.A. Bionic EyesB. Close your eyes and live longerC. Eat me, cure meD. Eat more fishE. Gym PillF. How far can you walk?G. Love can help your heartH. New cure for sleeplessness1…A short nap after lunch may reduce your chances of suffering a heart attack. In a medical study in Greece, people who took a half-hour siesta at least three times a week were thirty-seven per cent less likely to die from heart-related illnesses. For working men, the result was even more dramatic: a sixty-four per cent reduction. The explanation could be that siestas reduce stress, one of the most common causes of heart disease.2…There is a new treatment for skin conditions: a hot bath with hundreds of tiny toothless fish. ‘Doctor fish’ from Turkey eat dead and diseased cells, treating the symptoms of various illnesses of the only side effects may be some slight bleeding. Unfortunately, it is not a permanent cure. The results last only a few months.3…A study into the effects of hugging has shown that hugs lower blood pressure, reduce the risk of heart disease, and generally improve your health. People in loving relationships benefit more than men. During the study, thirty-eight American couples had to talk about a happy time, watch a romantic movie, and hug for twenty seconds.4…Childhood obesity is a growing problem in the UK. In response to this, the British Government is to give 45,000 free pedometers to thousands of overweight children to help them become fitter. It is hoped the pedometers, which count the steps you take, will encourage the children to take more exercise and lose weight. In trials, the average number of steps taken by children rose from 8,355 to 13,939 per day.5…A new drug that turns on a gene which burns body fat could lead to a new medicine that imitates physical exercise, allowing you to become thinner without effort. Mice on the drug lost weight even though they did no exercise and ate a high-fat diet. The aim is to create a medicine for people suffering from obesity, rather than a pill which lets you eat too much while staying thin.6…Millions of blind people could regain their sight thanks to a new invention being tested in the USA. A tiny camera which sits on a pair of glasses sends optical information to electrodes in the eye. This happens in real time, allowing patients to distinguish lights, shapes and movement. It could be available within two years.

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