exe.3 Opisz jak spędziłaś weekend w 5zdaniach.exe.4 Zastosuj ,,used to" w podanych zdaniach.Napisz co Tina robiła, bądz nie mając 9 lat.a)read / Cccomic books (robiła) ptaszwkb)have / long hair (nie robiła) krzyżykc)be / short (robiła) ptaszwk ride / a bike (nie robiła) krzyżykexe.5 Przetłumacz zdania.a)Co zwykłeś mająć 7 lat?b)Oni nie mieli w zwyczaju prowadzić samochodu.c)Czy ona miała zwyczaj chodzić do kina w każdym tygodniu?d)Ona zwykła nosić różowe spodnie.exe.6 Popraw błędy.a)He use to smoke a lot.b)They did not went to the cinema.c)Did you be a teacher.exe.7 Wstaw odpowiednią formę czasu Prezent Simple,Prezent Continus,Past Simple.a)We.............(have) a party tomorrow.b)What.........you.........(want)?c)She..............(not/like) tea.d)Pati..............(talk) on the phone now.e)He.................(take) a taxi to the airport yesterday. f)...............you...........(eat) a sandwich for breakfast yestay.g)Every Sunday they...........(go) to church.h)The cat........(play) in the garden at present.exe.8 Połącz zdania odpowiednimi wyrazami ,,because", ,,soo" , ,,too".a)He was tired ............he didn't go out.b)He was a singer.He was a composer............ .c)She went shopping.............she wanted to buy a new pair of trosers.exe.9 Wpisz czasownik w formie Past Simple.Dear Jane, Hi! How are you?I............(1.have) a grcat time last weekend.I............(2.get up) late.Then I................ (3.go) sopping but I.................(4.not buy) many thing. Inthe afternoon I..........(5.meet) my friends form school. When I.................(6.get) back home I.............(7.watch) a film but I.................(8.not like) is so I...........(9.surf) the Net. What about you?How..........(10.be) your weekend?Please write soon. Love, Sharon.
exe.1 Uzupełnij zdania present simple lub present countinous. 1.Sarah......................(usually/play) football. 2.She.........................(not/play) because she's ill. 3.How often.............you.............(go) to the cinnema? 4.I...........................(watch) a film on TV at the moment. 5.Mike....................(not/often/walk) to school. 6.............he..............(travel)by bus today? exe.2 Znajdż w każdym zdaniu błąd i popraw go. 1.I'm not understading this. 2.Does Tom likes coffee? 3.Jess and Kate is reading books now. 4.She hates do homework. 5.Is raining at the moment? exe.3 Napisz dialog używając podanych wyrażeń. -I'd love to -pick you up -turn -how about exe.4 Przetłumacz zdania. 1.Kiedy jest wietrznie chłopcy puszczają latawce. 2.My oglądamy konkurs. 3.Ja zawsze oprowadzam ciocię po mieście. 4.Dzieci rzucają śnieżkami. 5.Pozdrowienia z Londynu. exe.5 Wpisz odpowiedni wyraz, tak aby powstało logiczne zdanie. 1.Try not to................noise.The baby is sleeping. 2.Some people....................Pumpkins on Halloween. 3.I'm................my shopping tomorrow.Do you wannt to come with me? 4.Let's..................aphoto of the children. 5.I'm not going to the paek.It's........................ exe.6 Uzupełnij zdania podanymi w odpowiedniej formie. My best friend. My best's friend's name is Marta.She 1.............(be) fourteen,and she 2..............(have got )onebrother.Marta likes 3...........(listen) to music, but she 4...........(not usually buy) CDs.She always 5...............(download) songs from the Internet.At the moment Marta 6............(study) at gimanzjum, but she 7................(not go) to my school.We unusually 8............(go out) together at the weekends.This weekend we 9.............(go) to a party. Marta's cousin 10........................(celebrate) his birthday on Saturday. exe.7 Opisz popularny festiwal w Polsce.(5zdań) exe.8 Opisy pogod w Polsce w czasie poszczególnych pór roku.(8zdań) exe.9 Przeczytaj tekst i zaznacz prawda (T) lub fałsz (F). Hi Sam I hope you're having a great time!It's boring here in Oxford, because all my friends are on holiday.You're Iying on a beach in Tenerife, Sarah is visiting Eurodisney with her family and Matt is travelling to Portugal with his cousins.But my parents are here they're working all summer. I'm studying for my exams in september.Every day, I get up eaely and study in the morning.Then I have lunch, and I study again in the afternoon.After dinner, I always watch TV.I watch my favourite soap opera on Monday and Wednesday.The other days,I usually watch music programmes or cartoons like The Simpsons.My life isn't very interesting at the moment! When you coming home?I'm going to a Greenday concert next weekend.Do you want to come?They're playing at the Arena on Saturday evening.My dad is buying the tickets.Tell me if you can come! See you soon! David. 1.David's friend Sarah is visiting Portugal. _ 2.David is studying for his exams. _ 3.David doesn't study in the afternoom. _ 4.David watches cartonns and music programmes. _ 5.David's brother is buying the concert tickets. _ exe.10 Odpowieds na pytania dotyczące tekstu całym zdaniem. 1.Why is it boring for David in Oxford? _______________________________ 2.Where is Sam now? _______________________________ 3.Are David's parents on holiday at the moment? _______________________________ 4.What does David watch on Monday and Wednesday? _______________________________ 5.Where is David going on Saturday evening? _______________________________Jak ktoś zrobi wszystko to potem dodam jeszcze 25 pkt i dam najleprzy czyli+3pkt

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