1.Apa yang dimaksud dengan al-'aq? Dan bagaimanakah hifzu al-'aql itu?2.Pasangkan dengan benar! al-Kulliyatu al-Khamsah1. Hifzu ad-din2. Hifzu an-nafs3. Hifzu al-malPerilakua. Memenuhi kebutuhan makan dan minum. b. Rajin melaksanakan ibadah.c. Mencari rezeki yang halal.3.Agama merupakan pokok dari segala alasan mengapa manusia hidup di dunia ini, hal ini termasuk!Perhatikan wacana berikut untuk soal nomor 4-5!Umar bin Khattab r.a., beliau pernah berpidato di hadapan para sahabat: Wahai kaum muslimin, jika aku condong kepada keduniawian, maka apa yang akan kamu lakukan? Seorang laki-laki berdiri lalu mencabut pedangnya seraya berkata: "Kami akan memenggal kepalamu". Untuk menguji keberaniannya, Umar bin Khattab r.a. bertanya kepadanya: "Apakah benar-benar engkau akan memakai kata-kata seperti itu kepadaku?" Orang itu lalu menjawab: "Ya memang begitu". Akhirnya Umar bin Khattab berkata: "Segala puji bagi Allah, dengan adanya orang seperti ini dalam umat iniyang jika aku salah maka dia akan meluruskanku".4.Umar bin Khattab mengajarkan setiap muslim memiliki kebebasan berpikir dan berpendapat demiterciptanya....a. setiab. maslahatc. keturunan yang baikd. kemakmurane. kekuatan5.Perbuatan yang menjaga perdamaian bersama di antaranya a. melarang keras kritik untuk menjaga persatuan! b. memberikan masukan atau kritikan dengan cara yang santun c. menerima kritikan dengan lapang dadad. pikiran-pikiran kotor akan sangat mudah memberi manfaate. rakyat tidak segan untuk mengkritik kebijakan negara walaupun dengan cara anarkis​
The Legend of the Crying Stone In the past, on a hill far from the country, there lived a poor widow and her only daughter. Her daughter was really beautiful, yet lazy. She did not want to help her mother at all. Moreover, she was also really spoiled, her mother must fulfill whatever she wanted.One day, that woman and her daughter went to the market. The beautiful daughter wore herbest clothes and walked in front of her mother. She did not walk side by side with her mother as she felt ashamed. Everyone looked at her and was amazed by beauty."Hi girl, you look so beautiful. Anyway, who is the old woman behind you? Is she your mom? Why do you let her bring such a heavy shopping basket?" asked the man. "Oh my Gosh, of course she is not. She is just my maid and it is her job to help me shop," answered the daughter.Every time she got such questions, she would respond the same. Her mother just remainedsilent.However, hearing that thing over and over again made the mother's heart hurt. Suddenly, the mother stopped and sat off the road, crying."Mom, why do you stop there? Let's get going or we won't be home before midnight," shoutedthe daughter.The mother did not respond to her, she raised her hands and prayed, "My Lord, please, forgiveme for my inability to educate this child. I'm willing if you punish this disobedient child, Lord." Suddenly, the sky darkened, a huge lightning bolt struck, and it started to rain. The daughter started to panic as she could not move her leg, slowty his legs turned to stone and continued to spread to other parts of his body. "Mom, am really sorry. Please, forgive me. Help me mom, help! Help me, please."However, it was too late. There's no point in regretting what she did, her whole body had turned to stone. Surprisingly, from the stone statue's eyes, tears kept flowing. That is why, people called that statue, the crying stone.soal1. How was the personality of the beautiful girl? Answer2 Why did the girl refuse to walk side by side with her mother? Answer:3. What he did the girl tell everyone regarding her mother? Answer4. How did the mother feel about her daughter's treatment to her? Answer:5. What can the reader learn from the story? Answer​

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