Mohon bantuannya dari no 1-5 ,kalau bisa kasih alasan jawabannya, makasih : The Pulitzer Prize came about as part of an attempt by newspaper Joseph Pulitzer to upgrade the profession of journalism. Pulitzer, the owner of the New York World and the St. Louis Post- Dispatch, made a proposal in 1903 to Columbia University to make $2 million request to the university for the dual purposes of establishing a school of journalism at the university and also establishing prizes for exceptional work in journalism and other fields. However, the university did not initially respond as might expect to such a seemingly generous offer. Interestingly, Columbia University did not immediately agree to the proposal by Pulitzer inasmuch as journalism was not held in high regard in general and the Pulitzer papers were more known for their sensationalization of the news than for the high quality of journalism. The trustees of the university were not all sure that they wanted a school of journalism because news paper reporting was considered more of a trade than a profession at the time and they did not to decrease the academic prestige of their institution. It took year of discussions and negotiations before the terms for the establishment of the school of journalism and the prizes bearing Pulitzer’s name were agreed upon, and it was not actually until the year after Pulitzer’s death in 1911 that construction began on the building to house Columbia’s news school of journalism. The school of journalism opened in 1913, and the first prizes were awarded in 1917, for work done the previous year. The method for selecting Pulitzer Prize winners and the categories for prize has changed slightly over the years. Today, 21 different awards are given in three different areas, with the majority of award going to journalists; 14 or 21 awards are from various aspects of journalism (i.e. news reporting, feature writing, cartoons, and photography), 6 awards are given in letters (in fiction, non fiction, history, drama, poetry, and biography), and I award in music. Columbia University appoints nominating juries consisting of experts in each field, and the nominating juries submit these nominations for each category to the Pulitzer Prize board, which make the decisions and awards the prizes. 1. The following were offered by john Pulitzer to Columbia University except … A. a large sun of money B. the establishment of a school of journalism C. a grant for a new study program D. the addition of a new study program E. scholarship for the best students 2. Historically, the Pulitzer prize was particularly meant to be a warded to … A. the Columbia university B. the best work in journalism C. the Pulitzer’s newspaper D. the best school of journalism E. the outstanding writer in literature 3. Why was Columbia University’s first reaction to PULITZER’S offer negative? A. The Pulitzer papers were known to focus on trivial things B. The need for journalists was at that time not yet recognized C. The study program offered was considered teaching a skill not science D. The offer has decreased the academic prestige of the institution E. The school of journalism would take a long tie to establish 4. Which of the following statements is TRUE about the Pulitzer Prize? A. It was after Pulitzer’s death that prizes were awarded. B. The first prizes were awarded by Pulitzer himself C. All kinds of writings might receive Pulitzer himself. D. The prizes were awarded by experts of the Columbia university E. The majority of the prizes go to the best newspapers in the world 5. “was not held in high regard” line 8 means A. was entirely ignored B. was considered unimportant C. was not acceptable D. was quite unpopular E. was generally not recommended

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