Mam w sumie dwie prace do sprawdzenia, ale odnoszą się do tego samego tematu "Czuć się jak w domu" - "Feels like home". Proszę o sprawdzenie treści pod względem czasów i wgl. Dzięki!Pierwszy to taki opis poranka:Sun ray had sneaked into my room shy at first but then it flowed in with all his energy making lighter and chasing away lazy. I smelled wonderful smell from the kitchen. I looked through the window and I saw my cat on the fence. He had still sleeping. I noticed that flowers were blossomed. I dropped into living room. Fireplace went out but it had still remembered me yesterday evening with family. We sometimes arguing but we all know that we love each other unconditional. Than I went to the kitchen. Pencakes were delicious! That`s the best morning in all the world. Here`s my mum, dad and brother. I really feel safe here. I love knowing that somewhere is a place where I feel great. Only there I feel like home.Drugi to przemyślenia o domu:You can spreading it on the organs. But then you don`t really understand what is home! You must feel it! You can`t touch it. It`s like a worm rain at summer. Makes privacy and safe... sometimes happy daze. Makes katharsis and new experiences. It`s not a place only.It`s a people too. Your family and memories. That`s a building or a flat, sometimes hut or a shalter. It`s your commonwealth. You make it. Basiclly it associated with smell of cake, flowers in the garden, worm stove, lazy cat, apple tree, safe, trust, happy, kindness... Your child place can be diffrent It doesn`t metter if you feel there like home.

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