1.Write the prepositions.1.what's your reacion...............................this sculpture?2.Do you believe...........ghosts?3.We think our dog has run........... .4.What was the cause......the accident?5.My pen has run.........of ink.2.Complete the sentences with the correct form of the passive.1.Petra....................2,000years ago.(build)2.This statue.............now.(restore)3.The tomb.............. by many people since its discovery.(visit)4.The ship disappeared in the Atlantic.It....................................... . (not/find)5.You can't visit the church while it ........................................... . (clean)3.Rewirte each active sentence in the passive.1.Fire did not destroy the statue.2.How did they move the rock?3.Why have they closed the building?4.Nobody has revealed the secret.5..When did they abandon the city?4. Make statements with the passive form of the modal verbs.1.The museum/ will/ open/ by the Queen.2. Most stars/ can not/ see/ without a telescope.3.Many object/ can/ make/ from gold.4.The job/ will/ finish/ today.5.The jewellery/ must/ clean/ by an expert.5.Choose the correct option.The door was locked, so the thief(1) can/must have used a key. He (2) can't/might have gone into the house when the owners left. They could smell cigaretters, so the thief (3) must/ mustn't smoke. He(4) can/can't be very clever because he didn't steal valuable objects. Or he(5) could/mustn't have been iterrupted when the owners returned.6.Complete the second conditional sentences.1.I'd collect art if I..............rich(be)2.If you saw a UFO,........it?(you/believe)3.If I had a garden, I.........vegetables(grow)4.I'd be happy if I.......the exam.(pass)5.If the shop was open, we.......in.(can/go)7.Match the sentence beginnings(1-5) with the endings(a-e)1Could you2Yes,3 Would it be all right if we4 No,5Do you minda)not al all.b)showing me this picture, please?c)of course.d)sat here?e) tell me the time, please?8.Complete the dialogue with the expressions.because, so that, what for, why, to get my hair cutKate:Can you give me ten pounds,please?Dad: ............................?That's a lot of money.Kate:I want..........................................Dad:..........................do you want to do that? It looks lovely the way it is.Kate:.................it's too long.Dad.Dad: OK, then, here you are.Kate:Thanks.The haidresser;s is on Percy Street.Dad:Why are you telling me that?Kate:..............you an come and get me later!9.Complete the sentences with these words.as,as a result, due to, so that, to1.The road was closed........the snow.2.....................the weather was so bad, we stayed at home.3.I used my mobile.........call for help.4.It snowed all night. ..............................., there was no electricity.5.We lit some candles.......we could see.10.Complete the letter with these words.a, all, any, at, for, if, of, some, the, toDear Parents,We apologise.............the changes to our parent-teacher meetings this term. This is because..............the building work in................school.As you know, we are having.................fire alarm system installed, following the damage.................the gym last month. Since this work will affect....................the classrooms,there are changes to.................meeting dates and places.Please look................the new programme and contact MR Banks.............you have.............questions.
Prosze o rozwiazanie poprawnie tych zadań.dam NAJ!1.Complete the sentences.1.There are lots of c...........on satelite TV.2.My mum's a j............with the local paper.3.I/ve read an a...........about hypnosis.4/The h..........gives us the most important news.5. X FACTOR got the biggest a........last night.2.Write the words.1.He/She appears in films. a..................2.A practice performance. r...................3.He/She introduces TV shows. p...............4.One programme in a series. e...............5.He/She chooses the winner. j...............3.Complete the sentences with adjectives.1.I don't like meeting people.I'm s............2.He makes me laught.He's f..................3.She makes beautiful things.She's c.........4.She writes amazing stories.She's i.........5.He always passes exams.He's c.............4.Complete the sentences with verbs.1.Can fish f......pain?2.Do you u.......Chinese?3.Can animals t.......about the future?4.Can you r.......being a baby?5.I can't i......how big space is.5.Complete the sentences.1.Why are you staring.........me?2.Come and talk............us.3.Are you a member of TAKE THAT'S fan .........?4.Don't lie.Tell me the........ .5.My dad's good at ..... jokes.6.Complete the paragraph with the present simple or present pontinuous.My dad(do).......a course of hypnosis.He(try).....to give up smoking because he(smoke)...........too much.He(go)........to the hypnotist every day. Each session(take)...............half an hour.7.Complete the paragraph with the present simple present continuous or present perfect.A TV station(want)..........to film our school and the head teacher (say)............ 'yes'! the cameraman (film)..........now. It's the first time we (be)............in front of a camera.We (not/do)...........any lessons for days!8.Mark the correct position of the words.1.Have you finished that book?(yet)2.No, I'm reading it.(still)3.I haven't finished it.(yet)4.The judges have started voting.(already)5.I haven't seen Matt Damon's latest film.(still)9.Write the present perfect continuous.1.I'm tired.I...... all day. (work)2. ............ you ....... my cake?(eat)3.My dad.............well. (not/feel)4.How long...you.......?(wait)5.I........TV very much recently.(not/watch)10.Complete the sentences with WHEN,WHERE,WHICH,WHO or WHOSE.1.The hypnotist,........new show is great,is word-famous.2.Invictus,......stars Morgan Freeman, is about South Africa.3.Matt Damon,.......is American, is in the film.4.February,.........the Oscars are announced,is an exciting month.5.Los Angeles,....the ceremony is held, is in California.11.Match the tstatements and questions (1-5) with the responses(a-e)1.What doyou think of Dale Smith?2.Do you like Take That?3.Leona Lewis is amazing.4.Why do you say that?5.It's hard to explain what I think about hypnosis.a)Because they write good songs.b)He seems a bit arrogant to me.c) I know what you mean.d)Do you think so?e)Yes,I think they're great.12.Complete the questions with question tags.1You can speak French,.........?2.It's not a holiday today,........?3.We've got an exam tomorrow,......?4.You like maths,.......?5.You're sixteen,......?13.Do the words sound the same(s) as or different (d) from bought?1 thought .........2.laughed ........3 caught ........4 taught ......5 coughed .....14.Complete the sentences with because or because of.1. I enjoy reality ty..........the people.2.Kanzi was famous.........his skills.3.I get this magazine....I like animals.4.Derren Brown is popular.......his tv shows.5.I sometimes watch tv........ . I'm bored.15.Coplete the review with these words. a,at,for,have,on,the,their,to,which,whoMagic Animals is a new tv series.It's.................Channel Six on wednesdays...........7 p.m. ...............first episode. .....................was on last night,was about dolphing.Apparently, dolphings can talk......each other in their own language.Scientists...........been trying to understand this language................years.The explained............findings on this programme.In my view,this is.......great series for anyone.........likes animals.16.Look at the examples above and do the tasks.1Your fiend doesn't want to come to a party. Ask him why not.Why ................................?2.Rewrite the wuestion:When does the film start?Do you know....................................?3.Write a question for this answer.I';m thinking about my lunch. What.......................................?
1)Circle the correct option.1.There ale lots of/not much soap operas on TV.2.I watch TV more than/most of five times a week.3.The new soap opera isn't continuing because it doesn't have many/much viewers.4.How often/many hours a week do you watch TV?5.I always/never listen to the radio in the mornings.I love the breakfast show.6.How much/How many times a year do you go to the cinema?7.Which/How is your favourite TV programme?2)Write the questions.1................................................................?(like/Leona Lewis) Yes, I do. I think she/s fantastic!2.................................................................?(do) I.m listening to music on my MP3.3................................................................?(concert/start) At seve o'clock.4........................................................?(laught) Because this programme is really funny!5.............................................?(read) My geography book. I've got an exam tomorrow.6...........................................?(have/singing lessons)Once a week.3.Complete the statements and questions.Use the present perfect form of the verbs in the box.[be,fall,go,sign,sing,vote]1.A:Where's Will?B:I think he.............to bed.2...........you ever...............to the opera?3.Melanie..............never.............for anyone on X FACTOR.4.Look at all the famous people who..........my autograpf book!5.One of the contestants............off the stage. We're taking her to hospital.6.It's the first time Mike...........on a competition.He/s nervous that his voice will break!4.Complete the interview with the correct form of the verb in brackets.Presenter: What's your name and where have you travelled<you/travel) from today?Maggie: I'mMaggie and...........(I/drive) here from Scotland.Presenter:Is this the first time................(you/audition)on X FACTOR?Maggie:Yes, it is..But............................(I/be) in other talent competitions before.Presenter: Really?...................(you.ever/win) any of them?Maggie:Yes.Actually,................(I/usually/come)first in the competitions that (I/enter).Presenter: Great!So.............(you/feel)confident about today?Maggie:Actually,(I/be) a bit nervous.This is the biggest talent competition in Britain.Also,milions of people.............(watch)X FACTOR on TV every week and...........(I/ not/perform)in front of such a big audience before.Presenter:I'm sure you'll be fine.So, Maggie,what.............(you/sing)for the judges today?Maggie:..................(I/choose) my favourite song by Leona Lewis-Bleeding Love.5.Compete the sentences with compound nouns.Use a word from box A plus a word from box V for each gap.Use plurals where necessary.A:crowd,head,film,film,museum,mind,news,slide,sports, summer.B:clothers, control,line,location,official,review,paper,report,scene,show.1.The teacher is showing us a s............. ........... of photos of her trip.2.The m............ ...............was angry when tourists started taking pictures.3.Some people believe that you can move objects using only m............. ................... .4The f........... .......... was the Sahara desert,so the actors got very hot.5. There are lots of dramatic c......... ............... in the film with hundreds of people in them.6.My dad loves reading the n........... ...... on Sundays.7.He looks quickly at the h........... .............,but he doesn,t read the news articles properly.8.He loves football and tennis and spends hours the f....... .........9.My mum loves cinema,so she enjoys readind the f........ ..............most.10.I don,t have anything to wear!I must buy some new s......... ........ to take on holiday.6/Complete the sentences and wuestions with yet,still,already or just. put the verbs into the correct tense.1.Wait for me! I.................and I'll be downstairs in two minutes(get/my coat).2.Josh is only nine months old but he........!(can/walk)3.Although it only came aut a week ago,the new girl group.........of their new album!(seel/one milion copies)4.I'm sorry,I.........here, so I don/t know all the stidents names yet.(start/work)5.It's hetting very late.Why.........?(you/be?here)6.I have to write an article about Madonna before tomorrow, but I........(not start/it)7.Think about the pronunciation of bought and coughed.Write the past participles of the verb in the box in the correct column in the table.[bring,catch,fight laught,teach,think]bought coughed............. ............................... ................................. . ..................................... . ........................................ ...........................

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