Twoim zdaniem ostatnio znacznie pogorszyła się jakość usług świadczonych w szkolnym bufecie. Napisz list do szkolnej gazetki, w którym uzasadnisz swoją opinię na temat obniżonych standardów i zaproponujesz co można zrobić, aby ta sytuacja poprawiła się w przyszłości. MINIMUM 300 SŁÓW, WG WZORU ZAŁĄCZONEGO PONIŻEJ. Z góry bardzo dziękuję za pomoc. I am writing to complain about a holiday I booked with your company/ my experience at your hotel. I am writing to say that I am not satisfied with the standard of service at your restaurant I am most disappointed about……. I want to express my strong dissatisfaction with the discrepancy between your advertising brochure and reality. The hotel/the camp was not up to scratch ……. First of all, I was disappointed with the cleanliness of the hotel. The cleaning staff visited my room only once during my stay, and at the most inconvenient time of the day- early in the morning. The service provided at the hotel was inadequate- the towels were not changed a d the floor was not vacuumed. I would be grateful if you could consider giving me a (full) refund/ exchange it for a new one (nevertheless) I hope you will replace the faulty CD I must insist that you refund the cost of the bill. I would appreciate it if you could send me the instructions/the missing part As if this were not enough, the facilities you guarantee in your brochure were not available. Furthermore, Moreover, In addition, I am enclosing the watch together with the receipt. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

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