Coplete the sentences with the active forms. 1.Serena Williams cannot be beaten at tennis. Nobody ................... Serena Williams at tennis. 2.The info will be read by all students. All students ...................... the info. 3.Computers have been produced here since 1987. We ....................... computers here since 1987. 4.New projects are begun in September. Many people ........................ new projects in September. 5.That blouse must be washed for tonight’s party. You ...................... that blouse for tonight’s party. 6.The visitors will be met at the airport by the delegation The delegation ............................. the visitors at the airport. 7.Preparations had been finished by the time the guests arrived. They ...................... preparations by the time the guests arrived. 8.You will have to be examined again. Your teachers ......................... you again. 9.Cars are made in that factory. They ........................... cars in that factory. 10.The food is going to be prepared by Eddie. Eddie ...................... the food. 11.English is spoken at all EU meetings. They .................... English at all EU meetings. 12.The questionnaire must be looked into. We ......................... the questionnaire. 13.The book was being read to him yesterday between 5 and 6. Someone ....................... the book to him yesterday between 5 and 6. 14.Acupuncture was discovered by the Chinese thousands of years ago. The Chinese ......................... acupuncture thousands of years ago. 15.The criminals have been locked up by the police. The police ..................... the criminals.
Coplete the sentences with the passive. 1.People speak Portuguese in Brazil. Portugese ......................... in Brasil. 2.Van Gogh was painting Sunflowers at that time. Sunflowers ........................... by van Gogh at that time. 3.He had written three books before we met in1984. Three books ........................... before we met in 1984. 4.Somebody should write this letter! This letter .......................... written! 5.The traffic might have delayed Mary. Mary ..................... by the traffic. 6.They are building a new school near the station. A new school ....................... near the station. 7.Somebody has drunk all the water! All the water ..................... ! 8.A workman will repair the computer tomorrow. The computer ........................ tomorrow. 9.I had cleaned all the windows before my mother came. All the windows ......................... before my mother came. 10.My grandfather built this house in 1943. The house ........................ in 1943 by my grandfather. 11.They must have left the keys behind. The keys ..................... behind. 12.The pupils made up the story. The story .................... by the pupils. 13.The girl is eating the cake. The cake ..................... by the girl. 14.The spider scared her. She ....................... by the spider. 15.The guide will show us the National Museum in the morning. We ................. the National Museum by the guide in the morning. The National Museum ......................... to us in the morning.
Complete the gapped sentence to link the two actions. Write one verb in the past simple and one verb in the past perfect. 1. The concert started. I arrived. When I ............. , the concert ................. . 2. I didn't recognize him. We met a few times before.Although we ................. a few times before, I .............. him. 3. She swore badly and she realized she wasn’t alone. After she ................ badly, she ................ she wasn’t alone. 4. Paul was late for the class. He left his homework at home. Paul ................. late for the class because he ........................ his homework at home. 5. Ana spent an hour in the church. She realized she was at the wrong wedding. Ana ................... an hour in the church before she ........................ she was at the wrong wedding. 6. I realized he was the boss. I asked him to bring me a sandwich from the cafeteria. By the time I ................. he was the boss, I .................... him to bring me a sandwich from the cafeteria. 7. He spent all his money. He was broke. He ............... broke because he .................... all his money. 8. Somebody broke into our house. We got back from our holiday. When we ..................... back from our holiday we discovered that somebody ................... into our house. 9. Someone drew a funny picture on the whiteboard. The teacher came into the classroom. The pupils were running and screaming.When the teacher ...................... into the classroom, the pupils were running and screaming and somebody .................. a funny picture on the whiteboard. 10. They ate. They cleared the table. After they .................... , they ..................... the table.
Uzupełnij słowami z tekstu wytłuszczonymi 1. Food that is cooked with a lot of oil or fat, is often .............. .It still has a lot of oil or fat after cooking, for example fried food like chips, crisps, etc.. 2. Food that when first chewed has a hard texture and makes a noise in the mouth (e.g. fried bacon), is ...................... . This is the texture of food that is fried at a high temperature quickly like bacon, crisps, rice krispies, but it is also used for lettuce. 3. Food that contains a lot of different types of spices but doesn't burn your mouth, is .......................... .This word is often used to describe food from India or Morocco . It is used by some people with a similar meaning to 'hot', meaning cooked with a lot of chillies. 4. Dark chocolate (without milk) has a taste that isIt is ....................... a taste that many people don’t like. Coffee has this taste, as well as orange peel and grapefruit. 5. The opposite of soft, is ............................. It is used for foods that are difficult to chew or bite, e.g. some types of sweets or candies. 6. Food that has a lot of salt in it, is described as ......................... . 7. Food that is made from milk products, is often ....................... . It is used to describe liquids, sauces and desserts that are made from milk products and are thick, e.g. 'milkshake'. 8. When something has a good taste or flavour, it is ....................... . 9. Food that doesn't have a strong taste of anything, is ....................... It is used as a negative adjective to describe food with little distinctive taste. 10. Food like croissants that breaks very easily into small and delicate pieces, is ................ It is normally used to describe the texture of pastries (like croissants) or pies that break into thin small pieces/flakes when eating. 11. Food that makes a loud noise in the mouth when chewed, is ................. .It is often used for foods that are baked like cookies, biscuits, bread or some fried foods like chip/french fries. Its opposite is 'soggy'. 12. A milkshake is normally creamy and ................. .It is used for liquids (e.g. sauces) and means that there are no pieces or lumps in the liquid. 13. Food that contains a lot of chillies, is ....................... .It has two different meanings. One, is to describe food that has a high temperature. The other one describes food that contains a lot of chillies and it can feel like your mouth is burning. It is often used to describe food from India or Mexico. Some people use 'spicy' with a similar meaning. 14. Food that contains a lot of an ingredient like chocolate, is ........................ .This is generally used to describe sauces or cakes, when it contains a strong flavour of something (like spices, sugar, meat etc.) 15. Normally, the dessert is sweet and the main course is ....................... .It is a way of grouping food by taste. It is used to describe food that is the opposite of sweet. For example meat, cheese, vegetables represent this type of food.
Uzupełnić trzeba chyba wytłuszczonymi słowami z tekstu w załączniku 1 The 6.30 train for London leaves from ................... 3. 2 You’re driving too fast. The ............. ................. here is 80 kph. 3 There is our train. I think our seats are in ................... number 6. It’s the one ahead the dining one. 4 Children can only go by car if they travel in a special ................ ................. . 5 In many cities you can travel by ................. It’s quicker than the bus or the tram. Unfortunately, in Poland Warsaw is the only city that has it. 6 If you are going to town by bike, remember to wear your .................... to protect your head in case of an accident. 7 Top Gear has organized a ...................... across London to see which means of transport is the quickest. Four vehicles competed. The bike came first. 8 The place where you might take a taxi is called a ................. ................. . 9 Półwiejska Street in Poznań is a ................ ................ .Cars are not allowed there 10 I received a ................. ................... as I had left my car on a space for the disabled. 11 When a ................... ............... takes a photo of you driving too fast, you are punished financially and you may receive penalty points. 12 I ............. ............. of petrol and I stopped in the middle of nowhere. Fortunately, another motorist lent me a few litres. 13 .............. .............. ! You’re going to crash! 14 How long does it ................. you to get to school in the morning? 15 If you want to get to the other side of the street you’d better use a ............. ............... , otherwise you’ll be punished by the municipal police. 16 There are a lot of ...................... ................ for cyclists in Poznan, so they can move around the city relatively safely. Unfortunately, some of them are located along roads and cyclists participate in the regular traffic. 17 Both the driver and the passengers are obliged to wear ............... ............... They might save their lives. 18 Sorry I’m late. The ..................... hour traffic here is horrible. I got stuck in a traffic jam. 19 The only vehicles that are allowed in Półwiejska street are .............. that deliver goods to the local shops. They can only drive there in early morning hours. 20 I have been living in this city only for a month, so I don't know it well. I often take the wrong bus or tram and I ..................... ...................... in the areas I have no idea how to return from.
Complete the gapped sentence to link the two actions. Write one verb in the past simple and one verb in the past perfect. 1.The concert started. I arrived. When I ............. , the concert ................ . 2.I didn't recognize him. We met a few times before. Although we ................. a few times before, I .....................him. 3.She swore badly and she realized she wasn’t alone. After she ................ badly, she ................ she wasn’t alone. 4.Paul was late for the class. He left his homework at home. Paul ................. late for the class because he ...................... his homework at home. 5.Ana spent an hour in the church. She realized she was at the wrong wedding. Ana ................ an hour in the church before she ....................... she was at the wrong wedding. 6.I realized he was the boss. I asked him to bring me a sandwich from the cafeteria. By the time I ................. he was the boss, I ................... him to bring me a sandwich from the cafeteria. 7.He spent all his money. He was broke. He .............. broke because he ....................... all his money. 8.Somebody broke into our house. We got back from our holiday. When we ................... back from our holiday we discovered that somebody ................ into our house. 9.Someone drew a funny picture on the whiteboard. The teacher came into the classroom. The pupils were running and screaming. When the teacher ..................... into the classroom, the pupils were running and screaming and somebody ........................a funny picture on the whiteboard. 10.They ate. They cleared the table. After they ................ , they ............... the table.
Wstaw słowa w odpowiednim czasie 1 DECIDE It's most difficult to make the right ................. quickly during a match. 2 PENALIZE The foul happened in the ...................... area. 3 CATCH He threw the ball to me, I and passed it to another player. 4 CREDIBLE The atmosphere in the stadium was .................. Everybody was cheering and applauding. 5 SPECTACLE I was attacked by the players of the home team and their.................... . 6 INTERPRET A lot depends on the referee's ........................... of the rules. 7 FIGHT They ......................... hard to win the match, but eventually they did it. They beat their opponents 23-22. 8 BAD The ................... moment in my career as a referee was when an angry fan hit a bottle at me. The bottle cut my eybrow arch. 9 SUPERSTITION Many sportspeople are extremely ......................... . Tiger Woods, for example, always wears a red shirt on the last day of a golf tournament. 10 CHOOSE Becoming a referee was a conscious ...................... My father was one and even as a child I knew I wanted to do the same. 11 SIMULATE ................... takes place when a player pretends to have been fouled when in fact he hasn't. 12 EXCEPT The players who cheat are the ......................... Most of them prefer a fair contest. 13 FAME Although he is a world ..................... star, he behaves very modestly. 14 FIVE The match is scheduled for the .................... of December. 15 LOSE Lewandowski got injured and had to leave the pitch. The ....................... of our key player in the middle of the match turned out to be disastrous for our team. We lost.
Wstaw odpowiednie słowo dział sport 25 słów 1 The person who makes sure that the rules of the game are obeyed is a r 2 Footballers playing together form a t 3 Another term for football fans is s 4 An American term for football is s 5 My brother plays rugby, but I prefer d yoga. I hate violent sports. 6 A footballer has to try to k the ball into the goal. 7 My brother is a body-builder. He w out in the gym every afternoon. 8 The referee blew his w to mark the end of the match. 9 If you are a professional sportsperson, you must t every day. 10 We have great sports facilities in our local cultural centre. One of them is a basketball c . It holds up to 1,000 spectators when they come to enjoy a basketball tournament between the local teams. 11 During the match the c decided to replace the players that got injured with new ones. 12 The only player that is allowed to touch the ball with his hands in a game of football is the g 13 Our school has an indoor swimming p and obligatory swimming classes for the pupils. 14 In football, a f takes place when you break the rules of the game. 15 Poznań authorities are considering creating a golf c in Krzyżowniki so that golfers have a place to play golf. 16 Due to Orliki initiative a lot of football p have been built all over Poland, even in small villages. The purpose is to engage teenagers in sport activities. 17 Robert Lewandowski is a wonderful striker. He has s plenty of goals 18 There is a racing c near Ławica airport where regular car races take place. 19 Nowadays, a lot of people are obsessed with getting f . You can see many people jogging, riding a bicycle, actually, doing all kinds of sport. 20 In basketball, players try to t the ball into the opponets' basket to score a point for their own team. 21 The result of the match was a d . Neither of the teams won nor lost. 22 Before you do any vigorous exercise you had better w up first. It may prevent potential sprains or other injuries 23 Our team won. We b our opponents 3-0. 24 Robert Lewandowski received a red card and was s off the pitch after he comitted a foul. 25 Next winter, I'm going to Italy. Their ski s are better prepared for skiiers. They are wider, longer and with plenty of snow.
I. Przetłumacz: wieżowiec…………………………………………mieszkanie……………………………………… na wsi……………………………………………w mieście……………………………………… parter………………………………………………piwnica………………………………………… łazienka………………………………………… kuchnia………………………………………… korytarz………………………………………… sypialnia………………………………………… salon………………………………………………jadalnia………………………………………… schody…………………………………………… garaż…………………………………………… biurko…………………………………………… fotel……………………………………………… szafa………………………………………………krzesło…………………………………………… łóżko…………………………………………… ściana…………………………………………… podłoga………………………………………… drzwi…………………………………………… piętro…………………………………………… dywan…………………………………………… kanapa…………………………………………… komoda………………………………………… dom jednorodzinny……………………………… poddasze………………………………………… okno………………………………………………zegar…………………………………………… II. Wymień 5 urządzeń wyposażenia domu: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… III. Podaj znaczenie przyimków: an…………………………………………………auf……………………………………………… vor……………………………………………… neben…………………………………………… unter…………………………………………… zwischen………………………………………… über………………………………………………hinter…………………………………………… in………………………………………………… IV. Przetłumacz i dopisz Dativ lub Akkusativ: sitzen……………………………………………legen……………………………………………… stehen………………………………………… hängen…………………………………………… liegen………………………………………… stellen……………………………………………… sich setzen…………………………………… V. Wstaw odpowiednie przyimki: 1. Die Blumen stehen………der Vase………dem Tisch. 2. Die Bücher liegen………dem Bücherregal. 3. Die Lampe hängt………dem Tisch. 4. Das Auto steht………dem Haus. 5. Die Oma sitzt………Anna und ihr Bruder. 6. Der Garten ist………dem Haus. 7. Die Poster hängen………der Tafel. 8. Der Hund liegt………dem Tisch. VI. Uzupełnij brakujące rodzajniki: 1. Paula stellt das Lexikon zwischen………Bücher. 2. Meine Jacke hängt in…………Garderobe. 3. Das Aquarium steht auf…………Regal. 4. Ich setze mich neben………Freundin. 5. Der Vater stellt das Auto vor…………Haus. 6. Wir sitzen an………Tisch. 7. Die Zeitung liegt unter…………Bücherregal. 8. Ich lege mein Heft in…………Rucksack. VII. Dokończ zdania: 1. Das Bild hängt……………………………………………………………(na ścianie) 2. Ich lege meine Bücher……………………………………………………(na biurko) 3. Das Regal steht…………………………………………………………(przed oknem) 4. Sie stellt die Vase………………………………………………………(na komodę) 5. Das Kind sitzt……………………………………………………………(przy stole) 6. Der Mantel hängt…………………………………………………………(w szafie) 7. Die Katze liegt…………………………………………………………(pod fotelem) 8. Die Poster hänge ich……………………………………………………(nad łóżko)

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