Uzupełnij słowami z tekstu wytłuszczonymi
1. Food that is cooked with a lot of oil or fat, is often .............. .It still has a lot of oil or fat after cooking, for example fried food like chips, crisps, etc..
2. Food that when first chewed has a hard texture and makes a noise in the mouth (e.g. fried bacon), is ...................... . This is the texture of food that is fried at a high temperature quickly like bacon, crisps, rice krispies, but it is also used for lettuce.
3. Food that contains a lot of different types of spices but doesn't burn your mouth, is .......................... .This word is often used to describe food from India or Morocco . It is used by some people with a similar meaning to 'hot', meaning cooked with a lot of chillies.
4. Dark chocolate (without milk) has a taste that isIt is ....................... a taste that many people don’t like. Coffee has this taste, as well as orange peel and grapefruit.
5. The opposite of soft, is ............................. It is used for foods that are difficult to chew or bite, e.g. some types of sweets or candies.
6. Food that has a lot of salt in it, is described as ......................... .
7. Food that is made from milk products, is often ....................... . It is used to describe liquids, sauces and desserts that are made from milk products and are thick, e.g. 'milkshake'.
8. When something has a good taste or flavour, it is ....................... .
9. Food that doesn't have a strong taste of anything, is ....................... It is used as a negative adjective to describe food with little distinctive taste.
10. Food like croissants that breaks very easily into small and delicate pieces, is ................ It is normally used to describe the texture of pastries (like croissants) or pies that break into thin small pieces/flakes when eating.
11. Food that makes a loud noise in the mouth when chewed, is ................. .It is often used for foods that are baked like cookies, biscuits, bread or some fried foods like chip/french fries. Its opposite is 'soggy'.
12. A milkshake is normally creamy and ................. .It is used for liquids (e.g. sauces) and means that there are no pieces or lumps in the liquid.
13. Food that contains a lot of chillies, is ....................... .It has two different meanings. One, is to describe food that has a high temperature. The other one describes food that contains a lot of chillies and it can feel like your mouth is burning. It is often used to describe food from India or Mexico. Some people use 'spicy' with a similar meaning.
14. Food that contains a lot of an ingredient like chocolate, is ........................ .This is generally used to describe sauces or cakes, when it contains a strong flavour of something (like spices, sugar, meat etc.)
15. Normally, the dessert is sweet and the main course is ....................... .It is a way of grouping food by taste. It is used to describe food that is the opposite of sweet. For example meat, cheese, vegetables represent this type of food.