Polecenie: In the following passage, put the verbs into a suitable (active Or passive) tense and put Any adverbial expressions In the correct place. The first one has been done for you. (trzeba urzyć chyba wszystkich czasów) I must admit that Maria’s English (1) is improving (improve) every day. Three weeks ago she (2) … (manage) to book us on to the Portsmouth to Santander ferry at the local travel agent’s. The night before we (3) … (be) due to leave, she (4) … (ring) me up to remind me to be on time. “Don’t forget the train (5) … (leave) at 7.35 and if we (6) … (miss) that, we (7) … (miss) the ferry too!” she said. “Of course I (8) …(get) there on time”, I replied, somewhat annoyed. “You’re the one who (9) … (always turn up) late for things!” Surprisingly, we both (10) … (arrive) at the station on time (11) … (catch) the train. We (12) … (sit) on the train for about ten minutes when we realized, to our horror, that it (13) … (go) in the wrong direction! We got off at the next station where a ticket seller informed us that there (14) … (not be) another train to Portsmouth until 8.45. We explained that we had to catch the ferry at 10 o’clock. “Well, if I (15) … (be) you,” he said, “I (16) … (catch) the coach. That should get you to Portsmouth before the ferry (17) … (sail). But you (18) … (have) to hurry, it (19) … (leave) the bus station in about five minutes!”. We shot off like lightning despite the heavy rucksacks on our backs and jumped on the coach just as the driver (20) … (shut) the doors. We (21) … (just collapse) in our seats with a sigh of relief, when the driver announced, “Sorry everyone but the motorway (22) … (still repair) so we (23) … (not get) to Portsmouth until 9.45”. We groaned in despair. That gave us only fifteen minutes to get to the ferry terminal. We arrived at Portsmouth bus station at 9.40 and jumped straight into a taxi. “The Santander ferry terminal and please hurry” I shouted, “or it (24) … (go) before we (25) … (get) there!” To our astonishment, the taxi driver calmly switched off the engine and turned round. “(26) … you … (not hear)?” he said, smiling, “the ferry workers (27) … (come) out on strike last night!” “Oh no!” I cried in disbelief. “If only I (28) … (listen) to the news this morning!”

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