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London is the capital of the United Kingdom. It's the largest city in Europe, over 7 millons people live there. The London is a very rich city where the streets are clean and everything is friendly for foreign people. There are a lot of places to see, for example Big Ben, The London's Eye, British Museum. However there are also poor districts of London mostly inhibitated by afroamericans. Those districts are dangerous, there's high rate of crime, the police has a lot of work there. London has a brilliant communication system. The subway exists there since 19th century and it's one of the biggest London's investment. You can travel by the subway really quicly, avoiding traffic jams. Unfortunately the subway is very often overcrowded and the temperature there is too high. These are the main concerns of London's communication, but in the future the air conditioning will be provided. Furthermore because of the big traffic in London there's huge air pollution in the city. There's planned decrease of pollution by putting special filters on the factories' chimneys and also banning to drive a car without catalisator.
It's also well known of a historic disaster that happened there in 1666 - The big London's fire. The fire diestroyed totally London and it had to be rebuilded completely from scratches.