Prawidłowo przetłumaczyć na Angielski: JAK DBAĆ O ŚRODOWISKO NA CO DZIEŃ Możemy nie szkodzić naszemu otoczeniu , a nawet polepszyć jego stan przez najprostsze czynności : -Oszczędzanie energii: *Wyłączanie ogrzewania tylko wtedy kiedy jest niska temperatura *Wyłączanie oświetlenia w pokoju gdy z niego wychodzimy -Zmniejszanie ilości i segregacja odpadów: *Należy oszczędzać papier , zbierać makulaturę do wyznaczonych pojemników *Na zakupy zabierać swoją torbę -Oszczędność wody: *korzystanie z kąpieli pod prysznicem zamiast wanny *kontrolować szczelność kranów *kupować sprzęty oszczędzające wodę ( pralkę , zmywarki do naczyń) Postępując tak pomożemy naszemu środowisku . Z góry dziękuję ;) Jeżeli będzie dobrze uznam za najlepszą :)
HOW TO PROVIDE THE ENVIRONMENT ON WHAT DAY We can do no harm to our environment and even improve its status by simple steps: Energy-saving: Turn off heat only when the temperature is low Turn off lights in rooms when we go out with him -Reducing the number and segregation of waste: Please save paper, waste paper collected in designated containers The shopping bag to take your Water-saving: use the shower instead of bath tub check the tightness of taps buy water efficient equipment (washing machines, dishwashers) doing so will help our environment.
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How to care about the environment usually
We can not harm our environment, and what's more improve his state through the most activities: energy -turn off warming only when there is a low temperature -turn off the light in room when we go out from it
2.Reducing the number and the waste segregation: -one should save paper, to collect the trash into appointed containers -on shopping take one's bag
3.Save water: -use the bath under the shower instead of the bathtub -control the airtightness of tap waters -buy appliances saving water (washing machine, dishwashers)
We can do no harm to our environment and even improve its status by
simple steps:
Turn off heat only when the temperature is low
Turn off lights in rooms when we go out with him
-Reducing the number and segregation of waste:
Please save paper, waste paper collected in designated containers
The shopping bag to take your
use the shower instead of bath tub
check the tightness of taps
buy water efficient equipment (washing machines, dishwashers) doing so will help our environment.
We can not harm our environment, and what's more improve his state through the most activities: energy
-turn off warming only when there is a low temperature
-turn off the light in room when we go out from it
2.Reducing the number and the waste segregation:
-one should save paper, to collect the trash into appointed
-on shopping take one's bag
3.Save water:
-use the bath under the shower instead of the bathtub
-control the airtightness of tap waters
-buy appliances saving water (washing machine, dishwashers)
If we do this we can help the world.