August 2018 2 11 Report
Dobre przetłumaczenie z Polskiego na Angielski: jeżeli będzie dobre daje najlepszą odp ;)

Pij wodę zanim poczujesz pragnienie . Woda jest bardzo ważna dla organizmu. Niedobór wody powoduje szereg przykrych konsekwencji :
-bóle głowy
-złe samopoczucie
-większa podatność na stres
-spadek koncentracji
Każdy z nas traci około 2,5 do 3 litrów wody dziennie . Ubywa jej nie tylko w wyniku pracy nerek ale też w formie potu , poprzez wydychanie w czasie mówienia . Dlatego tak ważne jest regularne uzupełnianie poziomu płynów w organizmie .
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Proszę o poprawne przetłumaczenie zdań na Polski . Za DOBRZE PRZETŁUMACZONE daje naj :) 1.comes to your house. What do you say when you see him at the door? 2.comes to your party for the first time. Introduce him to your friends. 3.Your friends are going away for a long trip around Europe. What do you say? 4. You don't like the lunch you are just having at the restaurant. Make a complaint to the waiter. 5. Express your disappointment with the lecture you have just heard. 6. You are not sure where the nearest taxi-rank is . Ask a stranger about it . 7. Say what animals you like and why . 8. wants to get a job of a guide at a travel agency. You are the manger. Interview him. 9.wanta you to go with him to a restaurant . Refuse politely . 10. You think works too hard . Try to persuade him/her to change his/her style of life . 11. Try to find something about interests . 12. What would you say if you met an old friend whom you haven’t seen for ages? 13. You have Just eaten a very tasty lunch . Make some remarks . 14.An old woman wants to cross the street. You see a car approaching at great speed. Warn her. 15.You have bought some apples at the greengrocer’s . Some of them were very small . Complain to the shop assistant about it . 16. You didn’t do your homework because ……./make some excuses /. 17.You are at the Customs office. Tell an officer what you have in your two big suitcases . 18.You love/hate bridge . Say why . 19.You are at your friend’s and you very hungry. Ask politely for something to eat. 20.You won’t be able to meet tomorrow. Make some excuses . 21.Ask a few questions about his family. 22. is showing you his new car .What do you say? 23. Has a terrible toothache. Tell him what to do . 24. You see a beautiful picture at the gallery . What do you say ? 25.You have come back home very late . Make some excuses to your parents who are very angry about it . 26.Tell something about your hobbies. Thank you ;) ;)

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