November 2018 1 54 Report

Potrzebuje reakcje do tego :

W probówce umieścic szczypte (ok.0,1g) sproszkowanego jodu i 3 cm szescienne wody.Dodawac niewielkimi porcjalmi pył cynkowy.Po kazdej porcji delikatnie wstrzasac probowka przez kilka minut.Dodawanie zakonczyc,gdy roztwor ponad szarym osadem pozsotaje bezbarwny.Odczekac,az nadmiar pylu cynkowego opadnie na dno,a nastepnie niewielka ilosc roztworu znad osadu przelac do drugiej probowki i zadac kilkoma kroplami roztworu AgNO3.Obserwowac rezultat.

Zapisac i wyjasnic wszystkie obserwacje oraz napisac rowniania zachodzacych reakcji.

1)Jaka wlasciwosc jodu mozna wykorzystac do jego oczyszczania?

2)Dlaczego wykonana reakcja jest reakcja redoks?Ktory z reagentow jest utleniaczem i dlaczego?

3)W jakim celu dodawano AgNO3 do roztworu powstalej soli?Odpowiedz uzasadnij.

Bardzo prosze o pomoc !!

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Proszę o rozwiązanie tego z języka angielskiego. I. GRAMMAR: Put in the words in brackets in the correct form. (____/55) PRESENT SIMPLE vs PRESENT CONTINUOUS 11. He always __________ (go) to Jamaica in the winter for the sun. 12. Today I __________(work) from home because of the heavy snow. 13. The snow __________(not fall) now. Let’s go outside for a walk. 14. She __________ (usually/not drive) in the fog. It’s too dangerous. 15. We __________ (still/wait) for the rain to stop. PAST SIMPLE vs PAST CONTINUOUS vs PAST PERFECT 16.We __________(not get) a table in the restaurant because we ___________ (not book) it. 17. Angela was waiting at the station when she __________ (find) £100. 18. Sarah __________ (run) in the marathon when she __________(fall) and broke her arm. 19. I met my husband while I __________(ski) in the Pyrenees. 20. She was writing a book while she __________(recover) from an accident. 21. Who __________ (tell) you that? That’s pure nonsense! PRESENT PERFECT SIMPLE vs PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS 22. So far today, I __________ (have) three cups of coffee. 23. This week we __________(sell) five cars. 24. How long ___________ (you/wait) here? 25. I have a sore throat, I _________ (talk) all day. 26. Sorry, I can’t help you. I __________ (not/see) your wallet anywhere. COMPARATIVE vs SUPERLATIVE 26. Samara is __________ (clever) girl in the class. 27. Paris is ___________ (romantic) than Sydney. 28. The Canary Islands are__________ (tropical) than other places in Spain. 29. The pollution in Bangkok is ___________ (bad) than in London. 30. Moscow is ___________ (expensive) city in the world at the moment. WILL vs BE GOING TO vs PRESENT CONTINUOUS 31. Look at those black clouds. It ______________(rain). 32. I’m tired now but I’m sure I ____________ (feel) better in the morning. 33. I __________ (go) on holiday tomorrow. The bags are packed, I’m ready to go! 34. Chelsea ___________ (win). The score’s 3-0 and there are only three minutes left. 35. In my opinion, people ___________ (not/work) at all in the future. MAY/MIGHT, CAN’T (2), MUST, SHOULD for past and present deduction 36. He _______ (be) Scottish with a name like Heinrich. 37. Jane didn’t eat anything at the party yesterday. She ________ (be) on a diet. 38. I’m a bit worried about James. He hasn’t arrived yet. He _________ (lose) the way. 39. It was very rude of Pete to say that. He _________ (not/say) that! 40. Doris bought a car last month. She _______ (buy) another car this month, she doesn’t have that much money. I CONDITIONAL vs II CONDITIONAL 41. I ____________ (call) the police if I see him again. 42. What ___________(you/do) if you were me? 43. If the internet ___________(not/work) again, I’ll complain to the company. 44. If I __________(have) a problem, would you help me? 45. If we _________ (go) camping, we won’t have to look for accommodation. REPORTED SPEECH Report the sentences. 46. They asked me: What do you do in your free time? _______________________________________________________________ 47. He said: I didn’t see anything suspicious. _______________________________________________________________ 48. Peter’s mother told him: Don’t come back late! _______________________________________________________________ 49. Ann promised: I will not do that stupid thing again. _______________________________________________________________ 50. The CEO informed the employees: The management are going to sign a new contract. _______________________________________________________________ 51. Sarah asked me: Can you repeat the last sentence, please? _______________________________________________________________ 52. They asked me: Can you swim? _______________________________________________________________ 53. My boss wanted to know: Have you ever been at an international conference? _______________________________________________________________ 54. Sam told his daughter: Stand still! _______________________________________________________________ PASSIVE VOICE 55. Agnieszka Holland directed “The Washington Square” ___________________________________________________________________________ 56. Do they import all the clothes from China? ___________________________________________________________________________ 57. They will post the results tomorrow. 58. She is washing her jeans. ___________________________________________________________________________ 59. People had seen that design before. 60. I haven’t ironed your shirt yet. 61. They are going to close the road for 24 hours. 62. They were planning this trip for a very long time.

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