November 2018 1 10 Report
1) Uzupełnij, wynik zapisz w notacji wykładniczej.
a) 40700000=
b) 0,0000064=
2) Ile razy większe jest pole kwadratu o boku 12* 10^{-6} m do pola kwadratu o boku 8* 10^{-8} ? Wynik podaj w notacji wykładniczej.
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Cześć i czołem! Proszę o pomoc w Ang. z: 1.Wybierz właściwe wyrazy: a) Have you got ANY/SOME/MUCH books? b) Do you drink MANY/A FEW/A LOT OF water? c) There's A FEW/MANY/A BIT OF cheese. d) How MANY/ANY/MUCH milk is there? e) There isn't ANY/SOME/ONE OR TWO salad. f) I bought MUCH/ONE OR TWO/A BIT OF presents. 2.Używamy tego zaimka względnego, gdy mówimy o rzeczach: _________. 3.Uzupełnij zdania. Użyj who, which lub where dodając wyrażenia: gives you homework, you can buy bread, comes from Nwe Zealand, we met. a) Rubbish is something __________ ________. b) The baker's is a shop _____________________________________. c) The kiwi is a fruit _________________________. d) This is the place _________________________. e) The teacher is someone __________________________. 4.Uzupełnij zdania.Użyj too, too much, too many lub enough. a) The exam was ___________ difficult. b) There were ______________ people at the concert. We couldn't move. c) You didn't give me _______________ money. I need 5$ more. d) They looked ______________ tired to run. e) I ate ________________ food yesterday. Then i had a stomach ache. f) We dind't wear _____________ clothes, so we were cold! g) He isn't tall ___________. 5. Uzupełnij dialog czasownikami z ramki. Jeden wyraz został podany dodatkowo.[ appreciate,could,help,mind,shall,want] A I'm looking forward to the paty, Marta. Do you want me to ___________ you with anything? B I'd really ____________ it if you don't mind. A ____________ i bring some food? B Do you ____________? A No, that's fine.In you _____________, i can bring some drinks, too. 6. Uzupełnij zdania so lub because. a) i'm tired ___________ i didn't sleep last night. b) It's cold, ________ wear a coat. c) We're worried ___________ she's very late. d) He is upset ____________ he failed the exam. e) They were hungry, ____________ they had lunch. 7. Uzupełnij dialog czasownikami z ramki. Jeden wyraz został podany dodatkowo. [bar,can,carton,jar,packet,tube] a) a ____________ of toothpaste b) a ____________ of crisps c) a ____________ of milk d) a ____________ of caffee e) a ____________ of chocolate Dzięki za pomoc.

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