POMÓŻCIE MI PROSZĘ Z ANGIELSKIEGO MAM TO NA JUTRO.Z GÓRY WIELKIE DZIĘKI. POLECENIE:Zaprzecz tym informacjom. 1)David foudnd a dinosaur fossil. 2)Napoleon knew Queen Jadwiga. 3)The Romans lived in America. 4)The Anglo -Saxons built Stonehenge. 5)Marco Polo discovered America. 6)You got in touch with UFOs yesterday.
1)David didn't found a dinosaur fossil. 2)Napoleon didn't knew Queen Jadwiga. 3)The Romans didn't lived in America. 4)The Anglo -Saxons didn't built Stonehenge. 5)Marco Polo didn't discovered America. 6)You didn't got in touch with UFOs yesterday.
Jeśli chodziło o przeczenia.
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1David didn't foudnd a dinosaur fossil. 2.Napoleon didn't knew Queen Jadwiga 3.The Romans didn't lived in America 4.The Anglo -Saxons built Stonehenge - tego nie wiem 5.Marco Polo didn't discovered America. 6.You didn't got in touch with UFOs yesterday
2)Napoleon didn't knew Queen Jadwiga.
3)The Romans didn't lived in America.
4)The Anglo -Saxons didn't built Stonehenge.
5)Marco Polo didn't discovered America.
6)You didn't got in touch with UFOs yesterday.
Jeśli chodziło o przeczenia.
2.Napoleon didn't knew Queen Jadwiga
3.The Romans didn't lived in America
4.The Anglo -Saxons built Stonehenge - tego nie wiem
5.Marco Polo didn't discovered America.
6.You didn't got in touch with UFOs yesterday