August 2018 1 38 Report
Bardzo proszę o pomoc. Muszę napisać 10-15 zdaniową rozprawkę na temat wad i zalet życia na emigracji na podstawie tekstu. Oczywiście po angielsku. Oto tekst:

1) Why not Poland?
Ireland gave me the opportunity to work despite my very little experience. Present earnings help me to live independently. In Poland I was not seriously treated by other well-experienced architects, so I decided to leave. Emigration was the best idea in my situation.

2) What was your first impression when you came there?
I wasn’t sadisfied despite being the capital city and the biggest city in Ireland, Dublin appeared to me poor and ugly. Buildings drew my attention because they are very attractive and resembling the one from Notting Hill.

3) How did you find a job?
In my case finding a job was an easy matter. After finding the list of architectural companies in Dublin an preparing my port folio I bought the Dublin map. I left my CV in every of these places. A few days later I had a job interview and next day I started my first job abroad.

4) Are Irish people similar to Poles? Why not?
I think that in some ways they are. It is difficult to talk about details; it’s easier to talk about stereotypes. Irish people are very modest. They are easy going as well. Thet is why their standards to life are rather low. On the other hand they have a great sense of humor. As far as differences are concerned, Poles are mercenary and heartlessly when they want to achieve something.

5) What do they think about Poland/Poles?
I always ask Irishmen about it. They say that Poles are hard working, professional and nice. But we are a kind of danger for them because of work. They feel overwhelming presence of Poles, and they are becoming tired of it.

6) What strikes you most there?
The weather. Sometimes it is so windy that it is almost impossible to walk! There is no summer and no winter and humidity is very high! It is very hard to get used to!

7) What do you think about medical care there?
As far as medical help is concerned, they should still learn a lot. It’s better to postpone the appointment till you come to Poland. I know it from my experience. The quality of treatment is very low, surgeons and very expensive, but badly equipped. There is a constant lack of doctors. Doctors who work there are also emigrants and it is difficult to communicate with them.

9) Is it easier to set up family in Ireland?
I think is it. Firstly, wages are higher so you have more opportunities. Secondly, as far as I know social help is very good.

9) What is your opinion about Ireland now?
Up till now Ireland hasn’t managed to convince me. Although Irishmen are very kind and good people. I don’t feel like home here. It’s a country that gives a chance to young people and this is why I am grateful to them. It’s a developing country but I think that the level of culture is very poor. As my friend said ‘In Ireland everything is average’. And he got to the point. Here everything is really ‘so so’ and is why I don’t plan to live here.

10) How do you handle without Polish cuisine?
Recently in Ireland many shops with Polish food have popped up. You can buy there all kinds of products typical for Polish cuisine: diary, meat, drinks and even candies. Nevertheless, my mother sends to me home-made dishes, which are delicious, the best in this world.

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