podpisz sie jako XYZ napisz na temat kazdego podpunktu i napisz na 50-100 słow tylko nie tlasplator bo od razu zglaszam nadu uzycie i bana macie Napisz do kolezanki z USA e-mail w ktorym opiszesz niedawno uroczyste wydarzenie ktore mialo miejsce w twojej szkole NAPISZ
a) co to byla za uroczystosc i kiedy miala miejsce
b)jak przebiegaly przygotowania do niej
c) jakie wrarzenia towarzyszyly ci podczas tego wydarzenia
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Hey Lucy
How are you?
I'm writing to you because we had a special event at school which was called an English Language Day. It took place this Friday. I loved it because we were preparing British and American flags and lots of quizes too. I think it was the best day of the current school year so far. I really enjoyed it. You should consider taking part in an event like that if you have one at school!
Bye for now. Email me soon.
Proszę ;)
Dear Kate,
Hi, How are you ? How’s life ? Sorry I haven’t written for so long but I’ve been busy. Anyway, I’m writing to tell you what happened lastly. A few days ago, at our school we have celebrated a day of the Scottish culture. The main topic was ,,The Scottish cuisine”. The preparations lasted for three days. I was made to prepare the main course. Luckily, my mother helped me. There was also a huge fight. Nobody wanted to concoct the special course for our guests. Finally, I had to undertake a task. It was worth doing as the guest were delighted. Firstly, they have tried the main course and then they were dancing. They said that the eating had been delicious. I was so glad !
I’d better finish off here. Give my regards to everybody.
I look forward to receiving your reply.
Love, XYZ