Podczas kursu w szkole jezykowej zgubiles telefon komórkowy. W ogłoszeniu: -napisz o zaistnialym wydarzeniu -poinformuj o miejscu zgubienia telefonu -zaproponuj nagrodę dla znalazcy telefonu -poinformuj kiedy bywasz w szkole
In 23.03.2011 r. I lost my phone at language school (maybe at cloakroom). The phone was in pink housting with orange circle. If you finds this phone, will take it and bring it to secretariat. I'm in language school every Monday at 6 p.m. There is the prize for the finder!!!!
Sory :( To nie dosłownie tamto poprzednie
In 23.03.2011 r. I lost my phone at language school (maybe at cloakroom). The phone was in pink housting with orange circle. If you finds this phone, will take it and bring it to secretariat. I'm in language school every Monday at 6 p.m. There is the prize for the finder!!!!
Jessica Monk